Educational Activity

WMBD 2008 Activities in Cameroon

Television, radio and newspaper interviews on climate change issues, highlighting the global effects of climate change using the results of recent scientific research and report. Experts like some University Dons and officials in the Ministries of the Forestry and Wildlife and Environment and Nature Protection will be invited.

Field Ornithology Class

Our spring Field Ornithology class will meet on its regular Saturday outing at a local farm to observe birds of the season. We shall celebrate the biodiversity of birds.
Instructor: Daniel Bieker

Bird counting and identification around Arusha

A group of guided courses and invited bird friends will travel within the Arusha region and set up camps for the event. Bird identification will be carried out and in the end we will count migratory birds observed and identified. The field work will include among other things assessments on habitats/environments in the areas we have visited and worked in.

Raising awareness on birds through presentations and discussions

We will call partners in conservation (NGOs and Government representatives) and have a power point presentation with the topic "Migratory Birds - Ambassadors for Biodiversity" where we will explain the reason of migration, threats during their journey and how to address them, etc. After the presentation we will have a discussion to share ideas on bird conservation and we will take the opportunity to raise awarness on bird in Rwanda.

Sterne, gabbiani e fenicotteri (Terns, Gulls and Flamingos)

This activity consists of a walk along the southern side of Valle di Comacchio. It is possible to watch many Terns and Gulls on their nest sites, among pinkish and brownish spots: flamingos and migrating waders.

World Migration Bird Day 2008 - Gargano Italy

Day event for the study and knowledge of migration of birds in the great hot-spot of Gargano.

World Migratory Bird Day in Zoo Zagreb

Interactive presentation for children about bird migration and records in bird world
workshop: care of orphaned, sick or injured birds by wildlife care veterinarian
presentation of activities of protected areas important for migratory birds throughout Croatia; educational games & handicrafts for children; public awareness poll;
educational stops for raising public awareness of conservation problems of migratory birds flyways.

Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day in DOHA

There will be a lecture by experts on migratory birds with a powerpoint presentation. A field trip, bird watching and a painting competition will be conducted and will help to raise awareness among younger generations for birds.

Urban Birds in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico

In the activity participants will have the opportunity to learn about urban birds in the town of Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. It's organized by the Comite Caborrojenos Pro Salud y Ambiente, and is part of the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF)of the SCSCB, and organized in Puerto Rico by the Puerto Rican Ornithological Society (Sociedad Ornitologica Puertorriquena, Inc., SOPI)

Monitoring the Swallows

We are implementing an award winning for an environmental project. One of our goals is to increase the swallow population in our campus.
In their migration seasons we record their nests. We plan to monitor the swallows in our high school's campus during this time period.


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