Educational Activity

Save the birds

Students of City Montessori School, Jopling Road Branch organised a project on birds to celebrate World Bird Migratory Day. They made birds with coloured paper and studied bird habitats. The common Indian Sparrow has become an endangered species, so is the Vulture and the Common Crow which serve as scavengers of the earth. Children made plans to construct bird tables during the summer vacations. They wanted to feed the birds and observe their habits closely. Some of them are going to make scrapbooks on birds and their ways during the holidays.

Migratory Bird Day Hike

Give a welcome to spring migrants by joining staff on a birding excursion to Berry Tract, at the foot of the Niagara Escarpment. This property is home to many nesting species that are not common. Wear suitable footwear, and register in advance. Meet at the Nature Interpretive Centre. Fee: RBG members $7; non-members $10.

International Migratory Bird Day

The event from 11:00-15:00 includes guided tours with activities for families along a trail passing through a series of Bell Caves* with the highlight of releasing rehabilitated migratory birds (Black Kites, White storks, Eurasian Bee-eater, Steppe Buzzard) emphasizing on the factors that endangered these individuals:
persecution, power lines, etc.

Look who's singing - Wer piept denn da?

Typical birds that live on Juist or just pass through will be shown in a slideshow. The visitors can listen to the different birdsongs and additional information on habits of those birds are given as well. Posters, stickers and handouts will be on display. The visitor can participate in a "brent goose-quiz".

Vogelkunde für junge Menschen

Leider schwindet das Wissen über die heimische Vogelwelt gerade bei Jugendlichen immer mehr. Daher wollen wir an diesem Abend zusammen mit Jugendlichen heimische Vogelarten erkunden, lernen ihren Gesang zu erfassen und schließlich deren Vorkommen zu kartieren.

Birdwatching of local birds for young people.

Migratory Birds: Ambassadors for Biodiversity and Peace

On 9th of May a drawing and painting competition on the theme "Migratory Birds: Ambassadors for Peace" is being organised at Leh. 200 students from different educational institutions will participate.

On 10th of May a student symposium on the theme "Migratory Birds: Ambassadors for Biodiversity and Peace" is being organised at Leh. 24 selected students will speak on the given topic and about 900 students along with government and non-government organizations will be participating in the event.

Dia Mundial de las aves Migratorias - World Migratory Bird Day

Este viernes 9 de Mayo, FUNDACIÓN PREVISORA en el marco del Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias (10-11 Mayo) de la mano con ECOTURAVE se realiza la primera visita guiada de la exposición “Walter Arp…rara avis”, para con ello dar inicio a un extenso programa de actividades para niños y publico general que durante diez meses celebrará la infinita diversidad y belleza de las aves venezolanas.

Public presentation of the hand-raising and human-led migration project of Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) by the organization “” in Vienna Zoo, Austria.

A collaboration between the Vienna Zoo and the species protection organization „“ will take place in Vienna beginning in May 2008.

The Northern Bald Ibis (NBI) or Waldrapp Ibis (Geronticus eremita) is one of the most endangered bird species worldwide. The only occurrence of NBI in the wild today is one colony of about 300 specimens in Morocco and a small group of birds in Syria.

School Children Birdwatching Day

BirdLife Botswana has invited children and teachers from at least ten local schools in Gaborone Game Reserve, Botswana. The children will be given World Migratory Bird Day posters, 2008 bird calendars and refreshments. These schools had already received bird guide books. A talk will be given to the children about birds and their migration. A number of guides will lead the children in the park.

Learn about migratory birds

This event will take place at a coastal area of Banda Aceh that usually is a good observing place for migratory birds.
Birdwatching will start as from 8.00 am (local time).
The event aims to invite local people for birdwatching. It should also raise the awareness for migratory birds as important indicators of nature and the environment in general. Local people will be introduced to learn birdwatching and about characteristic of migratory birds. Through this event more people will understand birdwatching and the ecosystems birds enliven.


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