Educational Activity

World Mirgratory Bird Day

Our activity will be dedicated to migratory birds. In our place we can observe intensive migration of waterbirds from early May till the end of second week of May. On May 10th we go to the bank of river Aldan and identify migratory bird species. We also count them.
On May 11th, we go to schools and dicscuss results of the birdwatching activity.

Celebraciòn de la semana de las aves migratorias

El día lunes 5 de mayo, durante el perìodo cívico, se leerá una alocución explicando que es el día de las aves migratorias. Se repartirán panfletos confeccionados por los estudiantes de 8º grado al resto de los estudiantes y profesores. Se confeccionará un mural por los miembros del club para informar que son las aves migratorias y su cuidado.

The importance of birds to our environment

I intend to inform schools and the public in this area in advanced and on these days. I will organise a lecture on the importance of birds to our environment and how to identify birds. On the second day, I will do some bird watching in the Botanic garden and at the beach where it is possible to see some water birds. If possible, a cultural evening will take place to grace the day.

Migratory Birds ambassadors for biodiversity & peace

The event will include schools from near villages presenting dances under the theme of bird's protection & spreading peace & in addition to traditional dances from Kfar Zabad village. The second day will include ecotouristic activities in the Hima.

Dia Mundial de las aves migratorias "Aves Migratorias" - Embajadoras de la Biodiversidad"

Realización de dinámicas educativas dirigidas a estudiantes de nivel primario, medio y polimodal, referidas a las aves migratorias. Para docentes y profesores de biología, charlas referidas a las "migraciones de las aves":
Ventajas y Desventajas.
En áreas naturales protegidas (reservas y parques de la provincia), actividades alusivas al día mundial de las aves migratorias, con actividades de avistamientos, dirigidas a estudiantes y turistas que esten de visita en el área protegida.

"Wings of Spring"

Educational presentation & environmental workshop (handicrafts, educational games etc.)

Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal

The Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal is going to undertake a conservation, research, and public awareness activity for WMBD 2008.

The Tunisian Bird Migration Awareness Raising Month

During the whole month of May AAO will organise awareness raising events on migratory birds, important migration and wintering sites and habitats in Tunisia, migratory waterbirds, conservation issues, etc.

The events will target the wider public as well as specific groups such as journalists, government institutions and representatives involved in migratory bird conservation, children, teachers, youth club leaders, members of AAO, etc.:

Friday 09/05 : Press meeting and distribution of a WMBD 2008 press pack in Ariana

La migration des oiseaux

There is a conference about migratory birds in the region la baie de Somme.

Educational acitvity in Senegal

Cette année Wetlands International a prévu de mener une activité de sensibilisation avec des écoliers du CM1 et du CM2 de la Patte d'Oie accompagnés de leurs encadreurs. Ils seront encadrés par des ornithologues de WI avec du matériel d'observation (jumelles, téléscopes, et guides d'identification). Il est prévu des informations sur les espèces et les habitats et des interviews de presse (Le Soleil, Walf-Vert, Afia, etc). Du matériel sera aussi distribué aux écoliers (livret de jeux pédagogiques sur les zones humides, posters, stickers et cartes postales).


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