Educational Activity

Celebrating Migratory Birds at lake Kuyucuk

Birdwatching, environmental education, press meeting, and information session at Lake Kuyucuk Important Bird Area and Key Biodiversity Area (

Visit to Ciabarciu

In order to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, the Romanian Ornithological Society, with the participation of the SOR - Iasy Group and SOR - Ialomita Group's members, organise a field trip to the ecological restorated wetland Ciobarciu (Iasi County), recording differen birds.
They also participate as partners in the large public students' debate "The price of our ignorance" on the topic of the human impact on biodiversity and environmental quality.

Migratory Bird Day

The organisation NicarAgua Dulce Tour Operadora Acucatica presents a photo exhibition of birds of Nicaragua. Primary purpose of the exhibition is to show the importance of birds in the life and development of human kind.

World Migratory Bird Day in Cotonou

Eco-Logo organised an event for the members of the the club CPN (Connaître et Protéger la Nature) IBIS, who are mainly young pupils and students concerned about environmental problems.
The day was marked by discussions about environmental problems and other topics related to biodiversity and the environment.
The afternoon was marked by a trip along the coastline in Cotonou where club members have seen some birds. These activities have been accompanied by very instructive games

2008 WMBD at Shidvar Island, Iran

As a result of the UNEP/GEF SCWP awareness program WMBD was celebrated for the first time at Shidvar Island in Hormozgan Province of Iran. A field visit and birdwatching program were organized for more than 41 local students. The students studied the birds and they were presented with some information about the habitats. Drawing and painting competitions were implemented and after the birdwatching event special prizes were provided to the drawings of the winners. This campaign was covered by the local media and reported in the news.

For Tour Fly

Birdwatching and Bird Camps in a SIC and ZPS forest

Educational programme

Educational programme will be held in two venues: Lekki Conservation Centre & Hadejia Nguru Wetlands to raise awareness on migratory birds and especially as it relates to the theme. Minimum of about 300 people will be in attendance ie students, support zone communities, local governmental officials, civil society and pressman.

Migratory Birds - Ambassadors for Biodiversity - Seminar to celebrate WMBD 2008

The Environment Department of Dubai Municipality, Government of Dubai is going to celebrate the World Migratory Bird day 2008 by organizing a seminar on the theme on 28th of May 2008 like previous year. To commemorate the day Posters and Stickers on the theme have already produced and circulated to a wider audience. In addition WMBD posters have communicated through internet to all Governmental Departments.

Birdwatching along the Central Kopetdag Mountain

Members of the student birdwatching club (Ashgabat) visited two IBAs "Kurtli" and "Mergen" in the Asghabat region. They counted all birds including migratory. Prof. Rustamov informed young people about AEWA activities and the World Migratory Bird Day. It is the second time of celebrating this day in Turkmenistan. There were participants from local communities and representatives of OSCE. All participants received a newsletter and posters of the IBA programs in Turkmenistan and stickers devoted to World Migratory Bird Day.

World Migratory Bird Day 2008 in Serres

We would like to inform you that the organizations Serres Club for UNESCO and PRAXIS will participate in the World Migratory Bird Day 2008 with the following actions:


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