Educational Activity

Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries

100 schools all over Israel (about 4,000 students) will learn and discuss bird migration in class and go to the field for birdwatching on those days.

WMBD2007 Bangladesh

This WMDB 2007 activity will take place in the capital city Dhaka and the port city Chitagaong. The event will include guided bird watches, bird identifications, indoor meetings, lectures, seminars, poster & bird photo exhibitions, films, celebrating the wonders of migratory birds with art performances (music, theatre, dance and poetry recitations), children’s events (face printing, bird costume making, nature cards making, painting and bird quiz competitions), and exhibitions (bird painting, bird prints, bird photographs).

Cicogna Day (Stork Day)

Public Stork Census
White Stork/Bird Watching
Cultural games and programmes
Cooperation with schools
White Stork Center Festival

Awareness among youth: Impact of their daily activities on the climate and migratory birds

First Event on the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day in 2007!

Migratory birds in India have their peak in arrival in the winter season, i.e., October to early April.
Keeping this in mind, RSNH has already organized a 15 days Awareness Program on Migratory Birds in southern Rajasthan in the second half of Januray 2007. Mr. Satya Prakash Mehra (Sr. Project Officer, Bharatpur Field Office, WWF-India, Keoladeo National Park) and Mrs. Sarita Mehra (Secretary, RSNH) were the specialist of the program.

Information and sensitizing on the World Migratory Bird Day

We will conduct the following activities in wetlands from pupils from nearby schools:
- Communication on the topic: “migratory birds in a changing climate”
- Discussion with children on their environmental school clubs
-Symbolic Plantation of trees

Bird migration and climate change in the Somme estuary

We will propose a conference on climate change and changes in bird behaviour, in particular in the Somme estuary. In a second part of the event, we will give a demonstration of ringing birds (passerines and other species) and we will explain on the field how to study bird migration.

Save Bird Campaign

To observe the WMBD, CREW will join hands with another NGO ARPAN (Awanti Rehabilitation Programmes and Action Networking) Society to organise a two day bird camp on May 12 and 13 for rural children, mostly belonging to the economically backward and disadvantaged families, in and around Bhopal, the Central Indian State of Madhya Pradesh.

Awareness Campaign

Audio Visual Presentation and lecture on the role of migratory birds in our lives. Guide and tips to prospective bird watchers and teach them the basic methods in safe bird watching.

Wetlands and Migratory Birds

There is a discussion about wetlands and their importance for migratory birds.


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