Educational Activity

International Flyway Games

The \"International Flyway Games\", a 3 hour educational activity, offers a playful approach to migratory birds and the Wadden Sea ecosystem as stopping place on the East-Atlantic flyway. In the roles of both a wader chic and a junior researcher, the children experience the adventure of migration and discover the importance of undisturbed feeding and resting grounds along the flyway. Every participant receives a \"logbook\" of the journey to take home.

Wetland conservation and creation education

Wetland project arranges event to increase hunters\' and wildllife managers\' knowledge in wetland conservation and creation of new wetland areas. Importance of wetland conservation is one of the leading issues in training. Lectures are given on May 11th and wetland excursion is held on May 12th. Wetland project is funded by the Finnish Ministy of Agriculture and Foresry.

Importance of water for migratory birds

BirdLife South Africa and the local bird guides will be teaching UTAKA PRIMARY SCHOOL learners and the members of Wakkerstroom Bird Club about the importance of water on migratory bird species. On May, 3, 2007 there will be a bird watching event aroud Wakkerstroom.

Migratory birds in the face of development and climate change

The event will start with a radio programme followed by field trip (birdwatching),seminar and a quiz competition. The whole exercise will last for four days and we hope to bring together students, scientists, government representatives and many more at the Aberdeen Creek (part of the only Ramsar site in Sierra Leone) that is under threats from constructional purposes (shelter, recreational facilities...).

Field excursion on WOW Estonian demonstration project site

On 10th May 2007 State Nature Conservation Centre will organize a Field Excursion to \"Wings over Wetlands\" Estonian demonstration site to celebrate the WMBD 2007. This event will be organized for environmental specialists and school teachers to demonstrate the importance of the Haapsalu-Noarootsi Wetland. Main aim of this event is to inform these target groups about demonstration project activities and achieve better cooperation with local schools and environmental organizations.

Nature Trail

Natural trail and Birdwatching program on the banks of River Sabarmati, Ahmedabad.
The program aims to get participants aquinted to nature. Brief discriptions on the habitats, different species of trees and shrubs, utility of these trees in providing shelter, nesting materials besides food etc to migratory birds will be provided as well as Details on wetlands and their inhabitants. Details on aquatic life such as aquatic plants, insects and invertibrates in water will be given too and also the threats these habitats are exposed to.

Migratory Bird Workshop

CORBIDI plans to join the celebrations for the World Migratory Bird Day by conducting bird conservation discussion sessions and a birdwatching field trip. The observation of wild birds in their natural habitat is not a common and well understood activity in Perú. As part of CORBIDI\'s mission statement, we intend to promote the study and appreciation of migratory (and resident) birds and their habitat, ultimately fostering their conservation. The field trip will have as participants a group of high-school students from Huamachuco, department of La Libertad, northern Perú.

Albatros y Petreles - Investigacion y Conservacion en Uruguay (Albatrosses and Petrels - Research and conservation in Uruguay)

Exposicion y charlas informativas sobre la conservacion de los Albatros y Petreles de Uruguay.
Estas especies se encuentran amenazadas por la captura incidental en los barcos pesqueros Por tal motivo es de vital importancia mostrarle a la sociedad uruguaya, la importancia.
(Exhibition and conference on the conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels in Uruguay - Topic: Bycatch, conservation and educational measures for the local communities in Uruguay.)

International Migratory Bird Day Celebration (Connecticut, USA)

We are a land trust and will create these events on our properties, many of which have excellent birding potential for the returning species.
We are cooperating with MBTAAdvocates,Inc, seeking to protect the future for migratory birds, through perpetuation of the Treaties with other countries.
Kathryn Stillwell Burton,president, East Lyme/Niantic Land Trust

International Migratory Bird Day Celebration (Helena, Montana, USA)

This Celebration begins at 6:30 AM with early morning bird walks along the shores of the Reservoir. We expect to see great blue herons, Canada geese, Western grebes, American white pelicans, and song sparrows, among others. Hands-on activities run from 9 am to 2 pm and will include information on how to photograph birds, duck decoy carving, bird identification for all ages, and habitat enhancement projects for the home.


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