Educational Activity

FORIS- World Migratory Bird Day 2007

For the World Migratory Bird Day we are planning to produce a bird watching manual. It will be distributed to students who are attending our programme. Special lectures on birds and bird ringing will be conducted and a one-day bird watching excursion in the forest area will be implemented, too.

Amenazas sobre las Aves Migratorias causadas por el Cambio Climático (Threats on migratory birds caused by climatic change).

Jornadas dirigidas a estudiantes, prof. de biología´, geografía, guías de áreas protegidas y turismo, docentes, médicos veterinarios y público en general interesado en la temática referida a las amenazas sobre las aves migratorias causadas por el cambio climático. Recepción de contingentes estudiantiles en IADIZA-CRICYT, charlas en colegios , en Áreas Protegidas, Municipios e instituciones de la provincia de Mendoza.Elaboración de cuadernillo informativo. Difusión en medios de comunicación.

Migratory birds in a changing climate

This year’s WMBD celebration is focused on educating people, especially youth on the importance of conserving waterbirds and the habitat which they depend on. The celebration is scheduled to hold in the Dagona Waterfowl Sanctuary, Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, Yobe State, one of the important wetland areas that homes both palearctic and resident waterbirds.

Monitoring spring (Vårsjekken)

This is an annual activity that want both pupils and all other people in Norway to register signs of spring in a database (birds, flowers, insects etc.). The aims are both to monitor the phenological variation in the country as well as the timing of spring due to climate change. It has been carried out since 1999. Since the spring of 2007 it has been a collaboration with the national television company, NRK.

Campaign for the protection of migratory birds in the frame of WMBD

Birdwatching activities by the National Bonn Committee of Macedonia in cooperation with “Birdlife” Macedonia, National Ramsar Committee, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and NATUROPA Office around Skopje.

Teacher Student Discussion Meeting both at University and at School level

Discussion meeting on \"Migratory Birds of Bangladesh in Changing Climate\" with teachers and students at university level which was held on 13 May 2007 in Dhaka. This meeting was organized to build awareness, reaching students and teachers with the message of the day and to sensitize them on the issue. It was part of environmental campaign of BNCS.

BNCS has also organized another meeting for school students and teachers outside Dhaka at Norshingdi on 15 May 2007.

World Migratory Bird Day 2007 at Lake Nakuru National Park

The World Migratory Birds Day 2007, the second such celebration to be held in Kenya was celebrated at Lake Nakuru National Park Eduational Centre on 12th May 2007. The event organised courtesy of Kenya Wildlife Service(KWS) Wetlands Programme involved a number of talk shows on various issues as migratory birds, the role of L. Nakuru as a migratory bird habitat, community role in conservation of migratory birds habitat and adaptations of migrant birds.

Orientation Program for Teachers & School Students

An orientation program on birds is arranged at the premises of the Ahmedabad Zoo. Participants mostly school teachers and students, will get aquainted with the co-existances of migratory birds in the premises of the zoo complex vis-a-vis with captive birds in the cages.

Serie de Charlas sobre Aves Migratorias en Ecuador

La organización AvesyConservacion junto con el apoyo de la Escuela de Biologia de la Universidad Central del Ecuador ha organizado un evento dirigido a estudiantes de Biologia y Ecotursimo de dicha universidad. Las charlas tratan acerca de casos de estudio de algunas especies de aves migratorias en el Ecuador, cuyos expositores son técnicos de la organización.

Insieme per i Migratori - Together for migratory birds

Every year the FMF-HMF organize, with the support of NABU (Germany) and Legambiente (Italy) an international camp for monitoring prenutial raptors migration on the Central Mediterranean Sea. At the same time FMF-HMF organizes educational activities for local schools and other interested people. As from this year FMF organizes special invitations at the Fortino for the WMBD event.


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