Educational Activity

Worl Migratory Bird Day celebrated in Paraguay

Guyra Paraguay has organized different activities to celebrate the WMBD. Particularly to reflect the importance of the migratory species for wetlands (freshwater marshlands)ecosystems in Paraguayand in the region. 1-Bird watching 2-Conferences and Environmental Education . 3-Activities with the local communities. 4-Distribution of information.

Journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateur

ENDA Maghreb has carried out two educationale trips to two differents wetland wich are RAMSAR IBA and Ramsar Sites with 16 particpants from different instutions (Colleages, Clubs, associations and public administration). Particpants was initieted to birdwatching and have visited Young association working on ecotourism in Merja Zerga Lagoon. Then they visited Sidi Bou Ghaba lac and National Centre for environmental education.

World Migratory Bird Day in Rwanda

It is proposed that stakeholders, especially the students of high education institutes and Universities (future researcher) and the SSGs of Rwanda, will be trained in wildlife and more particularly bird conservation as a measure to arrest the problem of massive degradation and extinction of their habitat. Information will be spread on threats, ecology and biology and it is expected that this will raise awareness and increase knowledge and love towards nature, and particularly the birds, through research and habitat protection.

Birdwatching in New Caledonia

We will organise a public fieldtrip to one of our best site for waders with some veterinaries and doctors. It will also be a good opportunity to educate participants to the issue of avian flu.

Birdwatching at Cousin Island and Mahe Island La Promenade Victoria Harbour

Venue:(A) La Promenade (Victoria Harbour Mud Flat)(B) Praslin Wildlife Clubs: Cousin Island Activities on Cousin Island: 1.Introduction on Sea Birds Visiting the Island (Cousin Warden) 2.Tour the Island – Observing Birds Behavior (Sea Birds/ Waders) 3.Record Sea Bird Species – Bird Survey – Check list Activities on Mahe: Morning + Low Tide 4. Bird Watching/Bird Survey: at La Promenade Victoria Harbour Mud Flat 5.Games: Migration Games, Who I am?, Birds Adaptation 6.Poster Competition /Theme: “Save Migrated Birds Species” 7.Exhibition on site while Bird watching on Mahe.


We will conduct an educational workshop about migratory birds and a slide show for kids. Emphasis was made on main threats to these birds and on a “friendly behavior to birds”. A drawing session is planned.

World Migratory Bird Day in Romania

Every year the National Bird Day is celebrated in Romania on 1 April. Because it is an old tradition for our country we decided to include this event in the celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day. We organized several activities meant to attract people’s attention on birds and the need to protect them.

Awareness Campaign on Migratory Bird Species and the Avian Influenza in Sri Lanka

Our activities for the WMBD:

1. Continue the National Bird Ringing program specially to study the migrant species
2. Conduct a lecture on “Latest on Bird Flu & Migratory Birds” at the University of Colombo by the foremost ornithologist in the country, Prof.S.W.Kotagama
3. Awareness among the mass public through newspaper articles, electronic media
4. Organized a research + excursion covering the 8/9 April weekend to Yala East National Park

Ornithological camp Savica

This year, traditional spring ringing camp at oxbow lake Savica in Zagreb (only 4 km from the city ceneter) started on April, 1st. During weekend April 8-9, visits for birdwatchers attending the \"Ornithological School\" will be organized with special attention to the life cicle of migratory birds, scientific study on bird migration and status of migratory birds in Croatia.


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