Educational Activity

Wetland Days in Mongolia

We would like to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day within the framework of our Wetland days. The following activities are planned:
1.We\\\'ll go to the countryside for Birdwatching.
2.Build some nests /recieved nests for small birds. Made by students.
3.Training,studying and advising on bird research for students.
4.Meeting for students and researchers.

Awareness raising among children

Our activties involved:
1. Awareness among the mass public through
a. involvement of media (general articles &
informations on the migratory bird of local
b. taking excursions in the nearby waterbodies
or terrestrial habitats
c. delivering lectures on ornithology and
avifauna of concerned areas as accrding to
the target groups
d. informal discussions and meetings with the
nature lovers and amateur brdwatchers

El viaje de las aves

Un grupo 15 de niños y niñas de 9 a 11 años del proyecto de Ornitología de Programa Ambiental de nuestra institución, ante el anuncio de la fecha, diseñó a manera de cuento infantil, la información de la migración de las aves y luego convirtió el cuento en una obra de teatro
Con esta obra de teatro, que se presentará el viernes 7 de abril a toda la comunidad educativa de la institución.
Se pretende hacer conciencia de la relación solidaria y responsable que debe generarse entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza.

Migratory Birds in Botswana

Different activities are planned:
1. Press release on WMBD in the Botswana media
2. Publication on migrating birds in different magazines
3. Printing of T-Shirts with migratory waterbirds
4. Educational Activity for teachers
5. Information Panels on migratory waterbirds that will be shown in the Gaborone and Maun BirdLife Offices
6. Video show for Biology students in the University of Botswana

Awareness Program on the Importance on Migratory Birds

Awareness program on the importance on migratory feather bipeds, modern methods in tracking them. Some information on fears on H5N1 in country will be imparted during the event.

More details: Talks and audio visuals of 25 minutes each with a 5 mins Q/A at
the end of each talk. Totaling the program to two
hours. (Tentative itinerary)

1. Background ( Birds in mythology, science behind the
migrations etc)
2. Endangered birds etc.
3. Famous Bird watching places of the Gujarat state.
4. Dessimination on information on the H5N1.

World Migratory Bird Day at Rusizi Nature Reserve (IBA) in Burundi

To celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day, ABO would like to share the festivities of that day with the young people of some clubs which are supervised by ABO, ABO members and local community of Gatumba at Rusizi Nature Reserve. Our purpose is to organize the birdwatching and share knowledge on Migratory Birds, particularly their diseases as well as bird flu and its consequences for migratory birds, chicken and humans.

Aves migratorias en el Orinoco

Visita a las Islas y Caños del Rio Orinoco para observar aves migratorias y residentes, a fin de despertar respeto hacia ellas.

Dia mundial de las aves migratorias - Mendoza - Argentina

Actividades dirigidas a estudiantes de nivel primario, secundario y universitario; personas interesadas en la temática y turistas que llegan a la provincia, trabajando como eje temático, la importancia de las aves migratorias (charlas, conferencias,videos, etc). Paralelamente en otros sitios del interior de la provincia, especialmente en la Red de Áreas Protegidas de la provincia (15), realizando observaciones de aves, registros, censos y fotografías.Difusión en prensa escrita (Diario Los Andes y UNO) y oral (TV. Canal 9 y Radios)

Migratory Bird Watch at Farakka Barrage, Malda, West Bengal, India

On that particular day a birdwatching trip will be organised at the Farakka Barrage site where thousands of migratory waterbirds are coming during winter months. This birdwatching trip is meant for local people and school children for awareness generation about birds of the region.

Awareness Raising on Migratory Bird Species & Avian Influenza

This proposal is in support of the tireless efforts been applied by both International and local biodiversity conservation organizations in educating and raising awareness on migratory bird species as it relates to the avian influenza. The project aims to create awareness on the importance of protecting migratory bird species through the conservation of their habitat and also lay to rest through education the negative perception that migratory birds are the main vector of spreading the high pathogenic form of avian influenza (H5N1).


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