Educational Activity

Educational event at Vrezh Hambardzumyan Basic School No. 17 in Yerevan, Armenia

Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds (ASPB) will organise a Power Point presentation on topic of "Energy - make it bird-friendly!" at Vrezh Hambardzumyan Basic School No. 17. During the session school children will learn about the barriers to migration with specific highlights about energy sources which cause mass death to birds such as solar panels, wind farms and high voltage power lines. After the session there will be an organised discussion of solutions to make the energy bird-friendly.

Urdaibai a nice and safe stopover for birds

Hello everybody.

We are writing from Urdaibai, a Biosphere Reserve which is situated in Bizkaia, Basque Country.

Urdaibai Bird Center is a great living museum of the nature, open to the public for enjoying with the world of birds and their migrations. We want to inform you about our activities due to the World Migratory Bird Day.

In order to celebrate the Wolrd Migratory Bird Day Urdaibai Bird Center has organised a variety of different activities:

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias. Disfrutamos de los pájaros para siempre

Ven a conocer el esfuerzo que hacen las aves migratorias cada año para llegar a nuestro hogar, con charlas, presentaciónes, juegos, manualidades y mas... Para toda la familia

Vine a conèixer l'esforç que fan les aus migratòries cada any per arribar a la nostra llar, amb xerrades, presentacions, jocs, manualitats i mes ... Per a tota la família

Come and find out how much effort migratory birds put in to getting to our home every year, with talks, presentations, games, cratfs and more... For all the family

WMBD 2015 in Bali

On 9th may we're going to organize an educational activity about "bird-watching". On 10th may we're going out to practically do the birdwatching on serangan island, Bali.


Caceres Bird Festival, Spain

The ornithological and environmental wealth of Caceres, a World Heritage Site and the third Monumental Site in Europe, is the theme for this festival which takes place each year in May and which enables us to enjoy and discover the capital city of Caceres from a different perspective.

World migratory bird day-2015

To mark World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD), the Mongolian wildlife science and conservation center, Mongolian bird watching club and the Environmental department of OT LLC organizing a bird- watching & education program for school children and students, in total 80 people. The programme will be held on 1-2 May 2015. Two days programme will promote awareness for important habitats for migratory waterbirds and also try to stimulate public efforts to conserve them for the future. On the first day lectures will be given about migratory birds and electrocution problem for birds in Mongolia.

Edukasi dan Pengamatan Burung Migrasi

Edukasi dan pengamatan burung migrasi di bima merupakan kali kedua dilaksanakan oleh anggota sindikat fotografer wildlife bima-dompu yang di dukung oleh alphharian regional bima - dompu, dimana dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat sekitar bisa menjaga satwa yang migrasi dan diharapkan kepada peserta yang ikut bisa berkelanjutan dan mengenal satwa-satwa pantai yang ada.

Bird Now bird forever!

kegiatan pengamatan di sekitar kampus beserta underbow sebagai pengenalan burung migrasi serta pembelajaran dengan memperkenalkan secara lebih luas tentang ornitologi.

Living in Harmony with Migratory Birds

Banyumas, a regency in Central Java Province, Indonesia, is a destination for hundreds of migratory birds every year. They use areas of forest  in Banyumas for roosting while they migrate to tropical areas. Unfortunately, the conservation of migratory birds has to compete for attention with other issues.

WMBD is a strategic opoprtunity for raising awareness of the importance of saving forests as the home of thousands of wild animals, including migratory birds.


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