Educational Activity

Birds: A treasure that has no price (Original: "Птиците: „Богатство без цена“/ Pticite: "Bogatstvo bez cena"

The event will take place at the Skopje Zoo, the best place for people of all ages to get acquainted with birds and our purpose to conserve them. 

A team of students and volunteers will make sure every visitor of the zoo who is interested in the event gets to do a fun and educational activity and participate in birdwatching. 

Birdwatching at Novi Knezevac Fishpond

Eko centar “Tisa” Novi Knezevac will celebrate WMBD by organizing birdwatching event at the local fishpond for the group of around 50 elementary School students and anyone else who enjoy being in nature and shows interest for this event. Participants will hear a short lecture on the 2016 WMBD theme and a short story about the importance of the local fishpond as a resting and breeding site for migratory birds along their migration routes, as well as on their epic journey and the threats that they face during migration.

illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds

Nature Iraq Organization, will celebrate this year's WMBD in the National Park as the area is one of the most important wetlands in the Middle East and the globe that receives many migratory and threatened bird species. 
An educational lecture about 2016 theme will be given to audience representing youth, NGOs, activists and other stakeholder from the National Park in Southern Iraq. In addition to the theme, the lecture will include a brief about the use of field equipment and awareness about the sensitive hotspots and species that require special conservation attention a long with talks about the importance of the area in general for the next generation.


World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is a celebration that held every year since 2006 in concern to create public awareness on nature conservation, especially migratory birds.

Living in Harmony with Migratory Birds

Over the last 2 years, Biodiversity Society found that migratory birds, especially Oriental Honey Buzzard and Japanese Sparrow-hawk use the same place in Mount Slamet Forest for roosting site. Some of them roosted in the village which are really close to human settlements. In order to increase awareness on local people, we would like to promote this information to local villagers, so they can live in harmony with migratory birds and protect the area from poachers who are still frequently present in Indonesia.

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2016 in Limboto Lake, Gorontalo

Gorontalo Biodiversity Forum is going to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day 2016 for the first time in Gorontalo region of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The main objective of the event is to raise public awareness of migratory bird and their conservation action especially on protecting their habitat of Limboto Lake, one of the important spot for migratory bird and other endemic faunas in Gorontalo. On the day of 10 May 2016, we are going to have birding at Limboto Lake in the morning and then continuing with educational activity and media trip.

Oh human Let migratory birds pass safely

Zoology Department at the University of Tripoli and the Libyan Society of Birds (LSB) intend to organize an educational and birdwatching day for students from Zoology department, Faculty of Science, Tripoli University on Saturday 14 May 2016. This event will be at man made wetland (Hadba treatment plant) as a site of importance for birds in Tripoli. The program will include some opening words and a lecture about WMBD. Then, birdwatching for the rest of the day.

Sind Sie alle da? Zugvogeltreffpunkt Langeoog -Weltzugvogeltag 2016

"Als Nationalparkwart 2008 - 2015 war Jan Weinbecker für die internationalen Rastvogelzählungen auf Langeoog zuständig. Hier kommen die besten Fotos aus sieben Jahren!" Unser Wattenmeer ist eine wichtige Zwischenstationen für Zugvögel. Ihre Fluglinien verbinden Langeoog mit Zielen auf der ganzen Welt"

Dauer ca. 1,5  Std, Eintritt: 6€/4€

Sind alle Vögel da - Vogelschutz auf Langeoog von damals bis heute Weltzugvogeltag 2016

Eine Fahrradtour mit dem Nationalpark-Ranger J. Runar zum Vogelwärterhäuschen mit Möwenkolonie. Interessantes zum Vogelschutzes auf Langeoog – damals/heute?

Dauer ca 2,5 Std., Eintritt: 8€/4€, Bitte mitbringen:Fahrrad, robustes Schuhwerk und falls vorhanden Fernglas.


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