Educational Activity

Identify your local Birds - WMBD16

Birds of Gujarat in Association with Gujarat Nature Conservation Society Vadodara Celebrates Birds of Gujarat's 10 Anniversary and to Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day and 10th Anniversary we have plan Event 2 days Prior to Actual WMBD-16, on 8th May. We have Talk from Birding Experts on Bird identification, and it's Conservation. Event will start on 9:00 AM Local time and End at Evening 5:00PM with Validictory Function. During workshop we teach identification of birds and also encourage Participants to prepare their list of Local Birds on 10th May and submit us by Evening of 10th May.

Desenhando Migratorias na costa Atlantica sur

we will paint bird species that pass through the Brazilian Atlantic coast . in two days sharing experiences and teaching the types of feeding them. taking into account environmental problematic on your journey ... how human activity influences . then we walk to the old church on an ornithological visit with some friends. in Vila Velha , a small city for estate of Espiritu Santo Brasil.... 

Giornata Mondiale degli Uccelli Migratori - Scuola Elementare "Barra"

Organizzatore: Sezione LIPU-Salerno - BirdLife intenational

Luogo: Salerno, Scuola Elementare "Barra"



  1.                Proiezione video filmati contro il commercio illegale degli uccelli -Video del CITES-
  2.                Dibattito con i giovani ragazzi della scuola Elementare sul bracconaggio degli uccelli.


Mail di contatto: [email protected]

End the unsustainable bird hunting

The Ministry of the environment through the "Migratory soaring birds project" will organise two awareness events to celebrate the world migratory bird day under the slogan "End the unsustainable bird hunting". The celebration this year aims to raise awareness about the negative effects of illegal hunting in Egypt and introduce alternatives and methods of sustainable hunting.

Migratory Birds in the Dead Sea Margins and Madaba

- Birdwatching trip to the Dead Sea margins SW of Madaba on 29th April, to watch migratory soaring birds, especially Levant Sparrow Hawk .. 

- ringing activities at Madaba, in cooperation with the American University of Madaba; ringing is to be introduced by Prof. Fares Khoury, a Jordanian ornithologist and licenced ringer; date 10-13th May. 


Por tercera vez consecutiva la Fundación FELCA y la Reserva Natural Río Ñambí celebran el dia mundial de las aves migratorias. Durante este día de evento realizaremos salidas de observación de aves con niños, niñas y jovenes campesinos e indigenas Awaá con el objetivo de tomar conciencia de la importancia de la aves migratorias y su función en el ecositema, en uno de los lugares con mayor diversidad de aves del planeta. 

"Illegal Killing of Migratory Birds" Educational Lecture in Dsegh Village, Armenia


For many years Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds NGO (BirdLife in Armenia) has participated in World Migratory Bird Day campaign and has organised various events, such as educational lectures, birdwatching trips, movie presentations and many other activities related to the topic of Migratory Birds.

This year, our team made a decision to organise an Educational Lecture in Nature Visitor Center in Dsegh Village (Lori Province, northern part of Armenia).

World Migratory Bird Day 2016 in Malaysia

Malaysian Nature Socity branches in Terengganu and Kelantan will organise a full day of activities related to the 2016 WMBD theme on trapping of migratory bird species.

University of Limpopo Big Birding Bash

This will be the third year this birding "festival" is held on campus. it is spread over three days and involves a 2-day beginner's bird identification course, followed by a day during which we attempt to see how many bird species we can see on campus. There will also be a ringing demonstration which will give the students the opportunity to see some birds in the hand and from close-up.


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