Educational Activity

Birdwatching and Conservation Education for Primary School Students

Educational activity for Primary School Students at Jatimulyo village, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The participants will be educated about bird conservation, and how illegal hunting and trading lead to species extinction. So all participant students will have knowledge and awareness about birds around them, and expected to act for conservation in the future.

National Workshop on occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day - ‘The Importance of Wetlands for Migratory Birds’

A national workshop will be held to mark the World Migratory Bird Day in the People`s Republic of Korea. The purpose is to raise awareness on the importance of migratory bird conservation and their habitat within policy makers and stakeholders. Several domestic and international experts will hold presentation about topics related to the purpose of the WMBD.

Topics include

- The importance of Wetlands for the East Asian-Australasian Flyway

- Migratory Bird Reserves and their management in the DPRK

Education To Stop The Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade

Workshop about birds and habitat conservation for the students and farmers in Pematang Gadung Village and birdwatching in Pematang Gadung Forest

Sauvons nos oiseaux migrateurs .. Sauvons notre vie sur Terre

L'Association Sauvegarde des Zones Humides du Sud Tunisien : Nous allons célébrer ces journée :

* Une soirée de diffusion de film " le silence des oiseaux" et discussions 

* Un atelier de réflexions sur les dangers du braconnage et de la capture des oiseaux avec les associations d'elevage des oiseaux et les représentant de la DGF

* Une sortie d'observation (Birdwatching)

Jornadas sobre aves migratorias

Se llevarán a cabo disertaciones sobre aves migratorias en los distintos niveles de educación formal (escuelas, colegios, institutos superiores, universidades). Los más pequeños realizarán dibujos alusivos. Las actividades se organizan desde la cátedra de Educación Ambiental de la carrera de Tecnicatura Superior en Conservación de la Naturaleza, siendo los futuros guardaparques los que desarrollarán las guiadas en el campo.También se realizarán exposiciones de afiches sobre aves migratorias (2006-2016) en principales galerías de Mendoza.

WMBD 2016 Seminar

It is an annual event hosted by the Natural Resources Conservation Section, Environment Department of the Dubai Municiplaity. It aims to raise awareness in the efforts of the different institutions and sectors in the conservation of migratory birds. Experts and practitioners in the conservation of migratory birds share there efforts and programs with a diverse audience from the government, private and academic institutions.


El Gobierno Regional del Callao, El Área de Conservación Regional (ACR) Humedales de Ventanilla, así como El Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico CEPEA y la Asociación de conservación Playeras del Perú, Celebrando el Día de las Aves Migratorias, los invita cordialmente a participar de la Conferencia.

Orchards for birds

Almost 400 students of the University Lucian Blaga from Sibiu ( the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection are performing maintaining activities inside the Rusciori orchard from Sibiu county Romania a surface of almost 40 ha covered by 20 ha of apple trees where wild birds from Passeriformes are nesting. Also white stalks and owls species are present into the orchard.

We need migratory birds as spring heralds, not killed and caged

Natural History Museum for the first time organize World Migratory Bird Day. It has been planned to do some workshops and quiz with school children during the day. In the evening we will have lectures about bird migration in all its beauty and about threats that birds faces during the migration by scientists involved in bird protection in Serbia.

Svjetski dan ptica selica

This is the second year for ZOO Osijek to organize educational activity about World Migratory Bird Day.

Last year we had a lot of children who learned some basic things about migratory birds.

This year we will attract more children to ZOO in their schools with interesting education programs, original posters and other WMBD materials.

They will learn about many problems that migratory birds are passing through, and how to change it.



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