Educational Activity

Migratory Birds Under Scrutiny (Trekvogels onder de loep)

Our event program consists of the following:

  • Presentation on migratory birds: "Trekvogel onder weg" (Dutch) at the highschool "Groenhorst College" Almere.
  • Visit Oostvaardersplassen (wetlands):
    • Birdwatching at the lookout point Jan van de Boschpad (Almere).
    • A guided visit to the restricted areas in an electric vehicle (ecokar).
  • Creating a video about the Oostvaardersplassen for the WLI / MBP webpage.
  • Participate in the video/skype conference. 

Les Oiseaux et nous (Birds and us)

The « Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée » or CBG is a mining company exploiting bauxite since 1973 and co-owned by the Government of Guinea and international companies such as ALCO, Rio Tinto Alcan, etc.

To be aligned with international best practice, CBG has implemented a Biodiversity Program since  August 2016.

The objective of the CBG’s Biodiversity program is to implement a sustainable approach by engaging internal and external stakeholders.

Des visites ecologiques à Waladia, Maroc

Dans le cadre de la Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs et pour le rapprochement entre les écoles et oiseaux le long de la voie de migration de l’Atlantique de l’EST. Le Groupe de Recherche pour la Protection des Oiseaux au Maroc compte d'organiser des visites au profit des écoles au centre d'Information Ecologique à Waladia. Ce centre est géré par notre association.

2nd Bi-national Bird Tourism Workshop/II Taller Binacional de avitourismo

La Fundación Ecológica Los Colibríes de Altaquer – FELCA desde hace 26 años ha desarrollado actividades entorno a la educación ambiental y conservación de las aves amenazadas y migratorias. Es así como se realiza el festival de aves del Piedemonte Andino Costero que este año será la versión número 14. En el 2016 iniciamos una serie de talleres para formar a las comunidades locales como Indígenas, campesinos y Afrodescendientes con el objetivo de acercar a los pobladores en la conservación de las aves.

"Marty Party" 4th Purple Martin WMBD Celebration

Sponsored by the city of Grand Prairie, Texas and the Purple Martin Landlords of North Texas, the 4th annual "Marty Party" celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2017 with cultural and educational programs. This festival aims to educate people on the importance and conservation needs for the Purple Martin. As the largest swallow species in North America, the Purple Martin depends on human assistance to survive in migration stop-over areas in North Texas.

'Save The Birds and Let Them Free' Festival

The 'Hari Migrasi Burung Sedunia' (Save The Birds and Let Them Free) Festival is an activity designed to raise awareness and is a follow up to our WMBD commemoration of 2012. We hope to motivate people to value nature conservation through environmental education activities and a birding trip, in addition to provide recommendations to local governments, communities and interested parties with a lecture. We hope to reach out to bird watchers, students, local government officials and the general public of Jakarta.

Schools Celebrate With Music, Stories, Games and More!

Our local arts and school communities are working with the Hobsons Bay Rangers to raise awareness about wetland habitats, the responsibility people have to care for those habitats and their place on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). We'll be celebrating with music, stories, games and presentations.

Celebration of world migratory bird day in "La Cocha lagoon"

In celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day, the members of the Associacion para el Desarrollo Campesino, ADC, will participate in an event organized at the La Cocha lagoon (Ramsar wetland and place of great importance considering the birds’ migration to this part of South America).

Our association has been working with children and young people for the last 20 years through the "Heirs of the Planet" program, which mainly focuses on environmental and education activities for the empowerment of the inhabitants of La Cocha in recognizing and valuing the importance of birds.

Malaysian Nature Society Terengganu: Birdwatching and Presentations

For the third year in a row, the Malaysian Nature Society Terengganu branch, together with students and staff from the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and University Sultan Zain Alabidin (UNISZA), are celebrating WMBD 2017. The program will include a birdwatching activity from 7:00 to 9:00 am at UNISZA lake side to recognise some resident and migrant bird species, and how important natural sites are as food and rest sites for migratory birds.

Bird Identification Course with Birldife Polokwane & University of Limpopo

Birdlife Polokwane will have a bird ringing (banding) day in the Polokwane Nature Reserve, South Africa, on 4 March 2017. We moved our World Migratory Bird Day to an earlier date as March/April is the peak passage time for migrants in the area. This will enable us to show people some of the migrants in the hand and explain a little about their plight and the challenges they face en route. The event is open to the public and notices are also sent to schools to participate.


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