Educational Activity

Social Media Event

We have designed an online activity on our Facebook Page which includes the following:

1. SPOT MIGRATORY BIRD: We developed a poster with pictures of 12 popular migratory birds that visit Greater Mumbai in India. We asked our participants to report any of these birds if sighted in their locality.

Birdwatching for World Migratory Bird Day

We make some presentations about birds, migration, and birdwatching in highschool, Bahçeşehir, in Burdur. After the education, we make birdwatching with students for World Migratory Bird Day.

Be inspired ... Soyez inspiré par David Suzuki


Immersion BDC has launched a contest to win two tickets to a meet and greet from 4pm to 6pm before the David Suzuki sustainable development conference on June 23rd, 2017 in New Richmond. You will have a chance to meet David Suzuki, Tara Cullis and 5 other conference speakers. Tickets are on sale at the Salle de spectacles Régional Desjardins in New Richmond.

Protect migratory birds - their future is our future!

To mark World Day Migratory Bird LEPA Salaj organized several presentations about the protection of migratory birds in several schools and kindergardens in the county to educate the young generation in the spirit of environmental protection.

Célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateursà El Haouaria.

A l'occasion de la célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs, l'association tunisienne d'éducation environnementale et de conservation des ressources naturelles (ATEECREN) en partenariat avec le club d'enfants de Haouaria ont organisé le 6 mai 2017, une manifestation écologique  comportant :
- des ateliers d'animation sur les oiseaux en Tunisie (identification, répartition, migration)
- un concours avec remise de prix
- une séance d'observation du phénomène de la migration au centre ornithologique de Sidi Ameur.

Aras Bird Research and Education Center

1. Press Release at Birdbanding Station

2. Telling the attendance day's theme

3. Bird watching

Participants: Iğdır University, Iğdır Governorship, Hazar College, Bahçeşehir College, Yıldız College, Iğdır National Education Directorate, Iğdır Agriculture Directorate, Dilucu customs gate

Cuentacuentos y Taller ”Volar como golondrinas”

A través de un cuentacuentos y un taller, los participantes podrán volar con la imaginación para conocer los largos viajes de aves migratorias como las golondrinas, que anidan cada año en nuestros balcones. Observaciones: Necesaria inscripción previa en el teléfono 968 178 139 Actividad accesible para personas con movilidad reducida.

Surface Mine Tree Planting Event

Green Forests Work, a non-profit dedicated to reforesting coal surface mined lands, is partnering with the United States Forest Service, American Forests, and the Mennen Environmental Foundation to host a volunteer tree planting event on formerly mined land on Cheat Mountain in the Monongahela National Forest.

Els sons del capvespre / The evening sounds

Xerrada i guiatge per s’Albufera a la posta de sol per a descobrir els sons i els colors de l’horabaixa. Observar i sentir el despertar del capvespre.  

Talk and guided tour at sunset around s'Albufera to discover the evening sounds and colors. Observing and sensing the dusk awakening. 



Los días 9 y 10 de mayo, la asociación La Carraca y el departamento de ciencias del IES JOSÉ PLANES de Espinardo, realizarán diversas actividades de investigación de los ecosistemas salinos de interior asociados a las Salinas de Rambla Salada (Fortuna), que forman parte del Paisaje Protegido del Humedal de Ajauque y Rambla Salada.


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