Educational Activity


ZIUA MONDIALA A PASARILOR MIGRATOARE serbata de elevii de la Scoala Gimnaziala Sagu, judetul Arad, sub coordonarea reprezentantilor de la Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului din Timisoara  care vor prezenta elevilor  importanta pasarilor migratoare si necesitatea ocrotirii acestora. Elevii vor reprezenta prin arta (desene, machete) viata pasarilor. 


ZIUA MONDIALA A PASARILOR MIGRATOARE serbata de elevii de la Colegiul National Banatean sub coordonarea reprezentantilor de la Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului din Timisoara și Palatul Copiilor din Timisoara, care vor prezenta elevilor  importanta pasarilor migratoare si necesitatea ocrotirii acestora. Elevii vor realiza machete creative si hranitori pentru pasarele pe care le vor monta in parcul școlii.

Rôle du Parc national des Oiseaux du Djoudj dans la conservation des oiseaux migrateurs: comment améliorer les efforts de suivi

conférence autour de la thématique cité en titre. cette conférence regroupera les agents du parc, l'assoication des volontaires écogardes de la Zico du djoudj, les enseignants des écoles de la périphérie du parc, les chefs de villages et des élèves. il yaura aussi un affichage de poster dans les écoles.

Awareness on Migratory Bird Conservation

Birdwatching activity will be organised in Koshi and Lumbini led by local expert for various bird enthusiasts including students from local schools. Here an experience field ornithologist will explain abouut bird migration and how they use different types of land use. 

Educational activity will be organised in Koshi in partnership with Koshi Bird Society for society members.

Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day on Tivat Salina

Center for Protection and Research of birds together with Tivat Municipality, Public Enterprise for Management of the coastal zone and Touristic Organization Tivat are jointly organizing the celebration of World Migratory Bird Day which will be held on 11th May in the Solila special nature reserve. On this occasion, students from high school "Mladost" from Tivat will be introduced with the natural and cultural heritage of the site and importance of protection of migratory birds and their habitats. 

End Ecocide Albania

For World Migratory Bird Day, we will organise an event to protect the environment and to prevent the crimes against nature. 

Ehden World Migratory Bird Day

A Healthy Planet for Migratory Birds and People

10:00 : BIRDWATCHING hike 
12:00: Presentation on Bird Conservation and Sustainable Hunting with Dr Antoine Faissal (Wildlife photographer and Conservationist)

Organized by the Lebanese Bird Conservation Coalition

We are working for the conservation of birds and their habitats through education, awareness, advocacy, outreach activities and stewardship.

¨We are totally committed to bird conservation¨

Día de las Aves Migratorias - Oriente Antioqueño

Los bosques, ríos, humedales y represas del Oriente Antioqueño en Colombia, son el hábitat de más de 400 especies de aves, entre las que se destacan un gran número de especies migratorias. Las comunidades rurales y de la mano de empresas como ISAGEN y FAUNATIVA adelantan procesos de sensibilización para la conservación de la biodiversidad, vinculando de primera mano a los campesinos y pobladores locales en proyectos de ecoturismo sustentable, principalmente en la observación de aves.

Visita guiada a s'Albufereta / Birdwatching guided tour at s'Albufereta

Visita guiada amb l'ornitòleg Manolo Suárez per conèixer  l’interessant món dels aucells.  Descobrirem els aucells migrants de l’Albufereta, quins són els seus viatges, quins són hivernants, quins són estivals i quins són residents de tot l’any a la Reserva Natural. Caminarem per diferents ambients per veure la màxima varietat d’aus, des de la platja fins a les llacunes interiors. 


World Migratory Bird Day -2017

Like last 5 years, Nature Study and Conservation Club, Department of Zoology, Jagannath University is going to celebrate the world migratory bird day. However, 10th May is national holiday in Bangladesh. To get the more audience in the program the organizing comittee decide to celebrate the day on 9th May this year instead of 10. The program is going to be celebrated in the zoology department auditorium of Jagannath University.


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