Educational Activity

Curso Teórico – Práctico (Semipresencial) : Coordinación en Proyectos de Voluntariado Ambiental en el Área del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Censos de Aves Planeadoras.

Introducción:  Con este nuevo curso que planteamos desde el Colectivo Ornitológico Cigüeña Negra, una asociación de Voluntariado Ambiental con más 20 años de experiencia en esta tipología de Proyectos, pretendemos que a nivel teórico y practico el alumnado adquiera una formación  adecuada  que le permita  desarrollar y coordinar correctamente este tipo de actividades.

Education on The World Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo

As usual NGO "FINCH" organized this annual event in Kosovo too. 

It organized it first to the Lake of Brezne and then climbed up at the camp of Limth in Dragashi Municipality where we think is the best bird place in Kosovo, one can find different species of birds and their habitat.

Bird Art Flash Mob

Organized by the Bird Whisperer Project (, this event is a social media flash-mob of bird art by artists from across the world on the theme of migratory birds. It is open to all, and anyone who wishes to participate beyond today's post is welcome to send a .jpg of their art to [email protected] to get added to that group post.

Ziua Mondiala a Pasarilor Migratoare in Satu Mare

With the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day on May 10th, which is celebrated annually all over the world, The Environmental Protection Agency Satu Mare (APM Satu Mare) organized this year, at the Environmental and Nature Protection Information Center Andrid, an information and awareness raising action of the stakeholders.

World migratory bird day

With the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day on May 10th, which is celebrated annually all over the world, The Environmental Protection Agency Satu Mare organized this year, at the Environmental and Nature Protection Information Center Andrid,, an information and awareness raising action of the stakeholders.

Stork day festival

Primary school „ Strasho Pindjur “ Chesinovo and the municipality of Cheshinovo-Obleshevo are orginizing the Stork day festival 2017 for the fifth time, since the municipality received the European Stork village award in 2013. Cheshinovo-Obleshevo has one of the largest populations of White Storks, with over 70 nests built on roofs and electrical pylons. The friendly attitude of the locals to the storks was also one of the main reasons why this municipality received the award.

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day

With pupils from the school "Reshit Hyseni" Zogaj to learn more about migratory birds, how to protect them and their critical habitats. Bird watching at Lake Shkodra with binoculars and spotitng scopes.




Celebrations of world Migratory Bird Day, 2017 at Mida Creek

This Saturday 13th May 2017 is unique as we join hands to celebrate Migratory Bird Day.

Since it's happening in one of Kenya's high rated IBA, a combination of activities has been considered. The activities will include Bird Walks for both terrestrial, mangroves, mud flats and beaches. Bird Banding demonstrations and its essence, plays on bird migration, drawing competitions between invited schools and final speeches from invited guest.

The importance of migratory birds for citizens

Tehran Zoological Garden, also known as Tehran Zoo was inaugurated in 1992. The Zoo has been visited by more than 2.000 visitors each day. Inside the park, at the center point there is an artificial pond which is adequate and also absorbant for migratory birds such as Greylag Goose, Mallard, Till and also Wigeon. We are focused on this case because of the importance of zoos in conservation terms. We have prepared an educational brochure in Farsi which is our formal language and we will try to speak about it at the Tehran Zoo.

Storks' Migratory Journey Through Romania

The Local Environmental Protection Agency of Bistrita Nasaud County, in collaboration with the Secondary School of Dumitra and Cepari, will realize an inventory of the nests and specimens of the storks on their local territory . At the end of the inventory , the pupils involved in this action will disseminate flyers in order to promote the importance of conserving these species.


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