Educational Activity

Migratory Birds of the Swan River Estuary - Display

For World Migratory Bird Day, we will provide an informative dispaly of photographs and other material relating to the rich diversity of birdlife in the Swan River Estuary, with emphasis on the trans-equatorial migratory wading birds that frequent the Estuary each year.

The display will be held at The Grove Library in Peppermint Grove, WA, from 8th May to 15th May 2017.

Giornata internazionale degli uccelli migratori


We are Parco Natura Viva, in Verona, Italy.

Like the past years, on occasion of world migratory bird day, we'll take part in this stongly felt event. Sunday, May 7 we'll dedicate educational activities to make ours visitors aware of the problems of migratory birds, speaking in particular about hermit ibis and their trobled history. Parco Natura Viva is the only italian partner of  the project of the Waldrapp team.

Welcoming Spring Bird

State Nature Conservancy, the Administration of Mala Fatra National Park and Slovak Ornithological Society / BirdLifeSlovensko invites the public to event Welcoming Spring Bird - to observe birds in Zilina in the Park Forest Chrasť and to recognize the singing of several species of birds. The event  will be implemented in late afternoon ended after dark, so that together we see what kind of owls live here.
Explanation: Tomáš Flajs
Duration about 2 hours.
Where: Entrance to the park Chrasť from the University of Žilina

Activités à l'ocassion de la Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs. GREPOM / Unité régionale Souss-Massa



Animation éducative dans le lycée (atelier sur la protection des oiseaux et exposition de travaux d'élèves, installation de nichoirs au niveau du lycée, exposition sur l’avifaune migratrice de l’oued Massa : Photos Ali Irizi)
Sortie ornithologique : découverte de l’avifaune du lac de barrage 'Foum El Kheng' (Commune Ida Ou Ghailal, Taroudannt)

Public cible : élèves de lycée et enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (membres du GREPOM et de l’AESVT)

Un partenariat fort, Un avenir brillant!

Afin de mettre en lumière l'importance du partenariat pour une bonne  gestion zones humides  au profil de l'hômme et l'oiseaux, Nature Mauritanie et le Parc National du Diawling la commémorent la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs avec les écoliers du Zira Sbekha et Zira Tachrediente (02 écoles du PND) à travers:

- Un concour de dessin: "Mon oiseau préféré"

- Une sortie pédagogique: Pourquoi prendre soin des oiseaux?

- Un sketch: La gestion des zones humides;

- Un article sur la journée: Mieux connaitre, pour mieux protégé!


The birds safe haven aren't our cages and plates

The event planned is an educational activity on public place with an intention to make people aware of migratory birds and their importance. The event will be comprised by few simple activities, such as bird photography showcase, public demo and speech about migratory birds, WMBD poster and sticker sharing to passerby. It is important that this event should be done,  as the awareness about migratory bird here, in Surakarta, is extremely low. This is pretty much apparent from a lot of ignorant action towards the migrating birds.

Un Pomeriggio con gli Uccelli (An Afternoon with the Birds)

Si tratta di un'attività che sarà realizzata, con il coordinamento del Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS, nell'ambito del progetto LIFE+ 2009 NAT/IT/000150 Interventi pilota di conservazione degli habitat nelle zone umide costiere del SIC "Zone Umide di Capitanata" ( e nell'ambito del progetto LIFE+ 12 NAT/IT/001052 Conservazione dell'ultima popolazione della penisola italiana di Tetrax tetrax (

Homat Al Hima - The Way of Life to Sustainable Development - Kids Day

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon, in collaboration with the municipality of Kherbet Kanafar, will be hosting a national conference titled “Homat Al Hima - The Way of Life, for Sustainable Development”, under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism. The two-day-conference is planned in partnership with the West Bekaa Country Club and Homat Al Hima International; funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC and MAVA Foundation.

United event for the World Migratory Bird Day

Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia invited individuals and organizations that love birds to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day in 2017. The celebration will be a joint united event by the Mongolian Bird Watching Club, Mongolian Bird Conservation Center, Gamma Photography Agency, United Association of Mongolian Photographers, and the Ulaanbaatar City Government.


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