Educational Activity

Sumando esfuerzos para la conservación de las aves migratorias

Sumando esfuerzos para la conservación de las aves migratorias

Junto a Wetlands International y el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación Argentina los invitamos a esta charla en el marco del #DíaMundialdelasAvesMigratorias y el 50° aniversario de los Censos Neotropicales de Aves Acuáticas.

10 de mayo de 9.30 a 12.30
Salón Auditorio del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, San Martín 451.

Actividad gratuita previa inscripción: [email protected]

Pelican day at Skadar Lake

Montenegro and Albania will celebrate First Regional Pelican day on 10th May. In Montenegro the event will be held on the Skadar lake, near the birdwatching tower on Stanaj, starting at 10 am. The event is organized by Noe Conservation, Public Enterprise for National parks of Montenegro-National Park Skadar Lake, Natural History Museum of Montenegro and Center for protection and Research of birds. The aim of the event is raising awareness about the importance and conservation of Dalmatian pelicans on the Skadar lake.

Educational workshop for high school students at Tivat salina

Center for Protection and Research of birds of Montenegro together with Tivat Municipality and Public Enterprise for management of coastal zone  will celebrate World Migratory Day by organizing educational on-the-field  workshop for students from high school "Mladost" from Tivat. The event will be held on 10th May starting at 10.15 am at the special nature reserve Tivat salina. The  focus of the event will be on raising awarenes about the important bird and plant species  present there and the importance of the salina.

Pelicans Day & Local Products Fair

Location: Divjaka-Karavasta National Park.

Date: 10.05.2016

Time: 10:00, at the park office.

Topic / theme: Protection and conservation of high biodiversity natural values of the region with a greater focus on the flagship species of the park, the Dalmatian pelican together with the promotion of local products.

The event will be merged within the World Migratory Bird Day by emphasizing the theme for 2016: Stop the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds.

Field visit to the sites of migratory birds in the region Obokmah - farwa

The Society of Environmental Badu Zuwarah organizes a field visit to the sites of migratory birds in the region Obokmah - scalp - the head of Igdir with a group of Boy Scouts Mvoutih Zuwarah and some interested members and lectures will be held about the importance of birds and knowledge of their different species.


Conservation of the Lesser Kestrel in Palestine

Inviting the people, including the universities students and the general public to the important Bird Area in Bethelem District to watch the lesser kestrel and to have an exhibtion photos of the biodiversity in Palestine.

world bird migratory day celebration in Banjul

The workshop will help raise awareness of the participants on the importance of water birds and conservation of their habitats in the country, for tourism and serves as biological indicators for a healthy environment.

The field visit in hunting areas and forests will enable to compare the long term benefit of killing and conserving birds species and their related habitats for revenue generation through tourism. 


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