Educational Activity


Parco Nord Milano is a regional park in the city of Milan. For this event, we planned the following: educational activities for students on Friday (13-05-2016); birdwatching, showing of an unreleased documentary (movie) about birds migrating over Parco Nord Milano and the surrounding areas, an exhibition on dangers and illegal hunting on flyways and scientific lectures on Saturday (14-05-16); biking, photo exhibition and educational activities for children on Sunday (15-05-16).

Aves Migratorias no PN Lagoa do Peixe

Festival de aves migratorias no Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe.Apresentaçoes,palestras,mini-cursos,saidas a campo para observaçao de aves.


The Arusha Big Birding Day

On the 9th and 10th of May, The Interpretive Guides Society hosted the first ever Arusha Big Birding Day!  The idea is to establish a fun annual event accessible to all, which celebrates the exceptional diversity of birds here, and raises funds for conservation.

WMBD on IBA «Dalverzin hunting-management area» in Uzbekistan

Being BirdLife Affiliate Partner, Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB) takes part in WMBD campaign from 2011. Under the aegis of Spring Alive members and volunteers of UzSPB conducted educational activities and birdwatching events dedicated to the World Migratory Bird Day 2015 on IBAs in Uzbekistan in the framework of the project «Developing mechanisms for conservation and sustainable use of the main ecosystems in Uzbekistan». The venues for WBMD 2015 were IBAs «Dalverzin hunting management area», «Ayakagima lake» and «Amankutan pass».

Birdwatching guided tour

Two hours walk through the Scheutbos, a 50 ha green area in Brussels, with comments of a trained ornithologist.

Igdir Aras River Bird Paradise World Migratory Bird Day and Global Big Day

We will celebrate the 10. anniversary of Aras River Bird Banding, Research, and Education Center with bird banding demonstration, birdwatching, a big day attempt, a press conference and our campaign to from the pointless Tuzluca Dam. Please join more than 60,000 signatures to

Acercamiento a las aves migratorias en Cabu Peñes

Punto de observación y visitas guiadas en el Monumento Natural de Zeluán (ría de Avilés); conferencia en un colegio.

Factors promoting bird mortality at wind turbine structures

Biodiversity related impacts at wind energy facilities have increasingly become a cause for serious conservation concern, the central issue being the slaughter of a large number of birds. We aim to identify the major factors that conver high fatality risks to birds at wind farms. For this purpose, we combine species distribution modeling with assessments of bird mortality data estimated by carcass searches around wind turbines and their linkage to the ecological conditions at the respective wind turbines located in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany.

"Bird Migration" lecture by Prof Ian Newton in British Naturalists' Association's 2015 Conference

"Bird Migration" lecture by Prof. Ian Newton OBE FRS in British Naturalists' Association's 2015 Conference, after receiving the BNA's Peter Scott Memorial Award (the highest award of the Association). Held in Snaresbrook, london Sat 9th May 2015. The Association was founded in 1905.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in Igdir, northeastern Turkey. Aras Valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa.


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