Educational Activity

Mongolia - World Migratory Bird Day 2015

Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia, Mongolian Bird Watching Club and Environmnetal Department of Oyu Tolgoi LLC will organize this year's event through giving speeches on what migratory birds are and threats to them in terms of emerging energy needs during their long distance migration as well as breeding and wintering grounds. We will also hold a Birdwatching session with the participants to raise their knowledge on birds in one of the importanty wetlands near capital city Ulaanbaatar.  

Vancouver Bird Checkup - What you can do to help

Come join us for an exciting event part of Vancouver Bird Week!


A night that is truly for the birds. Learn from experts in their fields about the common risks and hazards birds face on the Pacific Coast and urban areas, how the recently adopted Vancouver Bird Strategy looks to help them, and what you can do in your home, yard, and life to help birds. Following a series of presentations on this, the floor will be opened to questions and discussion with our panel of experts.


Panel experts include:

Dinosaurs In My Garden? The World of Birds and Birding with Peter Candido

Come join us for an exciting event part of Vancouver Bird Week!


Numbering over 10,000 species, birds are the most diverse group of vertebrates on earth. Explore some of the amazing abilities of birds and learn about some of the species found in the Vancouver area and beyond with Dr. Peter Candido.


Visit for more information on events from May 2nd – May 9th

Die mit dem Wind reisen Vogelbeobachtungstour zum Weltzugvogeltag

Im Mai füllt sich Langeoog mit Zugvögeln. Sie haben gewaltige Strecken zurückgelegt, nun rasten oder brüten sie hier. Rohrweihe und Rauchschwalbe, Knutt und Kiebitz erbringen zwischen Afrika und Arktis Extremleistungen, so vielfältig wie die Vögel selber. Meisterhaft nutzen sie den Wind auf ihren Reisen. Kommt ihnen die Windkraft dabei in die Quere?

Vogelbeobachtungstour mit Birte Weinbecker (Dipl. Umweltwiss.)

Treff: Am Deichschart (Treffpunkt Wattwanderungen)

Sonntag 10.05.2015 15:00 Uhr
Erwachsene 8,00 €, Kinder  (6 -15 Jahre) 4,00 €, Familie 18,00 €

Insel-Rallye Zugvögel

„Energie vogelfreundlich gestalten“

Zu diesem Motto und zu dem Thema Zugvögel finden am 09. und 10. Mai 2015 zwei besondere Veranstaltungen auf Langeoog statt.


Touren für Groß und Klein rund um das Thema Zugvögel. Die Rallye führt die Teilnehmer über die Insel. Das Zusammenspiel von Zugvogel und Tourismus auf Langeoog werden erkundet. Die Insel-Rallye wird in zwei Schwierigkeitsgraden angeboten:


Kein Zuckerschlecken  Ostende



The activity that we will perform is in a National Park in Colombia (PARQUE NACIONAL NEVADO DEL HUILA). In the indigenous communities the provided material will support learning activities and underpin the importance of the park's ecosystem and habitat of present migratory species. It will help to understand the patterns of migration and shaping records based on observations on field trips to areas of forests. We will conduct workshops, birdwatching, drawing birds and recordings of bird songs.

World Migratory Bird Day 2015

Mongolian Ornithological Society in collaboration with Mongolica Co.Ltd is going to celebrate the event for the fourth time in Mongolia. This year the purpose of the event is to raise public awareness of migratory birds and their conservation actions. In this frame, we’re going to conduct a contest of hand drawings and sculptures named “Migratory Birds” among 13-year-old school children from high schools in Ulaanbaatar. On the day of 9th May, 2015 the best hand drawings and sculptures from the contest will be put on exhibition.

Flying over the Sluch river

- lecture about migrations and local migrant bards;

- methods of migration research;

- birdwatching on Sluch floodplain

World Migratory Bird Day celebration - Iraq

We want to inform you that the Iraqi Organisation for Conservation of Nature (IOCN) in conjunction with Department of Environment of college of science of Qadisiya university will celebrates in the upcoming WMBD helding in Al-Dalmaj marsh southrn Iraq which is considered one of the most important route for bird annual migration, this festival will conclude some lectures led by expert to create awarness between the stackeholder and distribute boruchures and posters regarding to this important issue.


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