Educational Activity

Climate Change and Migratory Birds in Himalayas

The event is being organised for the school children. About 1000 (One thousand) school kids will participate. On 12 May a drawing and painting competition on the theme \"Migratory Birds in Changing Climate\" is being organised. On 13 may a symposium \"Climate Change Impact on Migratory Birds\" will be organised. In the same function a poster specially produced for the event will be released.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebrations

A small exhibition on climate change and birds will be held at Hyderabad, Capital of Andhra Pradesh Province of India. A drawing competition for children will be implemented, too. The World Migratory Bird Day is being marked for the first time here.


PARAM AMDAVAD is an NGO that organizes programmes related to environmental education such as workshops,camps or birdwatching excursion in India. For the WMBD PARAM AMDAVAD will conduct a similar programme - the Sarus Crane Watch on 13/05/07. Students & ornithologists will be taking part in the programme. The Participation of around 20 people is expected.

Information on Migratory Kestrels and Climate Change

Information collected on climate change and its influence on the Lesser Kestrel and Amur Falcon will be published on the web site. This will make this preliminary information available to the public on how climate change is influencing the migratory patterns of these raptors.

GWS Bird Mayevents

-Sunday 6th May 2007: National Broadcast of dawn bird calls
-Thursday 10th May 2007: Press Release and Press Conference to launch the celebration followed by a forum on Migration, Flyways and climate change/global warming
-News Article in National Dailies
-Organise introductory and interactive lessons on bird watching and wetlands exploration for families and friends, tour operators and guides at Ramsar sites. This will be done in form of bird watching tours to two Ramsar sites every weekend in May 2007

Educational Activity: WMBD theme & topic integrated into Biology lessons

Ministry of Local Administration and Environment, General Commission for Environmental Affairs in coordination with Ministry of Education will prepare for this event, The teachers of Biology will concentrate during the time of one lesson on:
1- The Migratory Birds and its importance in the ecosystems balance,
2- and the importance of the migratory birds protection.
3- The negative impact of the Climate change on the migratory birds habitats.
4- The best new vision toward the Birds,\"The birds are more beautiful when flying\"

Bird watching in Xalisco Mexico

Monitoreo de aves playeras en 4 regiones de Marismas Nacionales (MN).(Monitoring of Shorebirds in four protected Wetlands of Mexico (Xalisco).)

Taller sobre aves migratorias con nilos de escuelas primarias y secundarias de la región de MN.(Workshop on Migratory birds for elementary and secondary schools in the region of Marismas nacionales in Xalisco, Mexico)

Las Aves Migratorias visitan el Humedal San Pedro (Migratory Birds in San Pedro Wetlands - Venezuela)

El domingo 13 de mayo visitaremos el Humedal San Pedro con los niños de una Escuela Básica local, realizaremos actividades de Interpretación Ambiental enfocada a la ecología de este cuerpo de agua y las aves migratorias registradas hasta la fecha.

La visita será a las 04:30 p.m.

English translation:

Sunday 13 of May we will visit the San Pedro ´s Wetland with the children of a local elementary School, we will carry out activities of Environmental Interpretation focused to the ecology of freshwater and the migratory birds registered to date.

Bird migration and climate change

Karisoke Research Center (KRC) goal is “to conserve through research, protection and education the mountain gorilla their habitat and the biodiversity of the Virunga Volcanoes in collaboration with our partners”. In 2006, KRC started the research on biodiversity including Research on Birds, Plants and Golden Monkeys.

III. International Eskikaraagac Stork Festival

The stork festival is part and result of a stork conservation project called” Stork friendly villages around Lake Uluabat”, which has been initiated and is kooperated by Prof. Ismet Arici and Franziska Arici, supported by several GO’s and NGO’s.

The festival itself is organized by a committee and supported and financed by the Municipality of Nilüfer, the Nilüfer Local Agenda and other GO’s and NGO’s.

The programme of the festival:

1. Day Workshop - Lake Uluabat: discussing the problems and identifying solutions

with the following presentations, for example:


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