Educational Activity

Mudflat trekking and birdwatching on island of Juist in the German Wadden Sea

On WMBD 2007 the Nationalparkhaus on the island Juist offers all interested people to take part in a birdwatching activity during sunset on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day.

Big Bird Race at Bongam Tidal Flat-South Korea

We will held a Big Bird Race at tidal flat to watch wader or snipe birds migrated from Australia.

We expect that more than 150 students and people would participate this event to watch migratory Birds and local company supporters for wetland conservations willingly funded to protect the birds.

The student team will be seperated into 12 groups around Bongam tidal flat which is artificially restortated by NGOs and citizens and only suburb area to watch the sensitive and week bird species.

World Migratory Bird Day 2007 in Tunisia

To celebrate the WMBD 2007 Association \"Les Amis des Oiseaux\" (AAO), the BirdLife International Partner in Tunisia, is joining hands with the Regional Activities Center for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), who is funding the planned events, and the Media Library in Ariana.
The following five events are planned:

World Migratory Bird Day with Kereita Environmental Volunteers

Memebers meet at 8.30 a.m. at the old Kijabe Environment Volunteers Office. Activities for the day include birding at the Bathi dam, a procession through Kimende town, tree planting,talks and a video. Refreshments will be served after the event,

Svjetski dani ptica silica - World Migratory Bird Day in Croatia

Birdwatching – white storks in their nests

Birdwatching – wild birds in the nearby park


Drawing competition

Presentation of Nature park Lonjsko polje

Presentation on Migratory Birds and Climate Change / Visit of Ramsar site

This set of events includes a presentation on the topic of \'Migratory Birds and Climate Change\' (French) and a visit to a local Ramsar site in Madagascar. WMBD will further be promoted as part of this.

Celebremos a las aves migratorias (Celebrate migratory birds)

Talleres educativos, observacion de aves, conferencias con ornitologos, concursos de fotografia, dibujo y pintura. (Educational Workshops, Conferences, Fotoexhibition, Scientific Information on Ornithology)

Awareness on Migratory Birds and their habitats through Movie Shows

Movie shows will be arranged for the students and the general public to raise the awareness about the migratory birds of their areas. Further group discussions will be made to check the deterioration of the habitats especially wetlands/waterbodies of the concerned sites through local administration & public involvement. Main focus or target group are students/youth of the concerned areas.

Birdwatching at Bagmati and Tau Dah Lake near Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu valley gets numerous migratory birds during the autum and spring. Tau Dah lake and Bagmati rivers banks are ideal for birdwatching. So to support and mark this day, FoB is going to organise a birdwatching tour to this place on 13 May 2007.
happy Birding

Birdwatching in Kathmandu (Nepal)

FoB is going to conduct the birdwatching tours for the educational institution as a part of educational and awareness activities rearding birds and their conservation.


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