Educational Activity

EAAFP Waterbird Watching & Education Program

To mark the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD), the EAAFP Secretariat invited eighty students and their parents from Haesong Elementary School in Songdo on 7 May 2010 to the Waterbird Watching & Education Program.

"Awareness Raising on World Migatory Bird Day (WMBD) in Cameroon"

"Awareness Raising on World Migatory Bird Day(WMBD) in Cameroon"

Activities for the event include:

-A water birds poster contest for all environmental clubs in the Southwest, West and Northwest Regions;

-A migratory birds poster contest by all students from secondary school through University;

-An essay contest for all students from secondary school to University on “The Ecological Importance Of Birds To Our National Economy”;

-Two bird watching events in Fako Division with a visit to the mangrove forest in Tiko on 9 May 2010;

World Migratory Bird Day

For the 5th time, Ethiopia will celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with an educational activity on 8/9 May 2010 in Abijata Shalla Lakes National Park which is one of the most important feeding and resting sites for migratory birds.

The event will be attended by staff from governmental, non-governmental organizations and the local community.

It is celbrated for the first time. Ethiopia is a party to both AEWA and CMS.

Importance de la zone humide du SIBE de la Moulouya (Maroc oriental) pour les oiseaux migrateurs - Importance of the wetland SIBE of Moulouya (Eastern Morocco) for migratory birds

Projection de film documentaire sur les oiseaux migrateurs dans les écoles pour sensibiliser les élèves, les instituteurs et le large public sur l'importance que revêt la zone humide du SIBE (Site d'Intérêt Bioligique et Ecologique) de la Moulouya pour sauver les oiseaux migrateurs car chaque espèce compte!
Nous souhaitons à travers cette action sensibiliser la population et les autorités pour agir en faveur de la conservation de cette zone humides et la conservation des oiseaux migrateurs.

WMBD Birding Trip to Chupak

In conjunction with World Migratory Bird Day 2010, MNS Kuching Branch Bird Group will be organizing a bird watching trip to Kg. Chupak on 9 May 2010 (Sunday).

One of the nearest and most extensive rice fields around Kuching area, Kg. Chupak/Skudup attract great number of migratory and wetland birds.A number of interesting sightings have come out of the area including Sand Martin (1st record for Borneo for nearly a century), Greater Painted-Snipe (1st for Sarawak), Red-necked Phalarope, Blue-breasted Quail, Black-winged Stilt and Chinese Pond Heron.

Awarness Creation

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority(EWCA) has finalized its preparation to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on 9 May 2010 at Abijata Shala Lakes National Park which is 220 kms away from Addis Ababa,the capital city of Ethiopia.

The programme will be opened with a speech that describes the main activities performed to conserve different bird species.
Secondly, a short speech on critically endangered migratory birds will be held.
Another brief speech will be presented on the potential of the park in connection with migratory birds.

Vuelo sin fronteras: Las aves migratorias, sus rutas y sitios de parada - Flight Without Borders: The migration routes and stopover sites

Foro sobre las Aves Migratorias en Venezuela, el estado actual del conocimiento, la investigación y su conservación, dirigido a estudiantes del pregrado de la carrera de Biología. Dentro del marco de la Jornadas de Investigación y Extensión de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UCV, en el Año Internacional de la diversidad Bilógica:
“En la ruta de la migración: El seguimiento de aves migratorias en el P.N. Henri Pittier” M.Sc. Miguel Lentino (COP)
“Las aves playeras migratorias: Conocerlas para Conservarlas” Prof. Sandra Giner (IZET-UCV)

WMBD in WWF Italy Oases

World Migratory Bird Day 2010

During the second weekend of May, WWF Oasi will be participating at the World Migratory Bird Day campaign with guided visits to the nature reserves.

Many of the WWF Italy Oases (more than 100 spread across the country) lie on the main migration routes and offer excellent opportunities for the observation of migrating birds.

The Lesser Kestrel in Tarifa

We will organize an activity with children from the local schools and visitors in general. We will see the Lesser Kestrel in the Castle of "Guzmán el Bueno", where pairs breeding.

Moreover, we have got some nest boxes for the Lesser Kestrel. In this way, the children and the visitors in general are able to see the conservation activities that we have arranged.

People, who visit the Castle will be invited to observe the birds with our support and the binoculars or telescopes provided. We will give information on endangered raptors and its importance for biodiversity.


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