Educational Activity

Excursion ornithologique pour observer les oiseaux migrateurs à dans la région d'EL HAOUARIA - Ornithological excursion to observe the migratory birds in the region of El Haouaria

52 instituteurs et institutrices de la région de Gabès sont invités à participer à une excursion ornithologique afin d'observer plusieurs espèces d'oiseaux migrateurs qui empruntent la voie de migration passant par le Cap Bon et plus précisément par El Haouaria, la dernière halte migratoire, lors du retour vers l'Europe.

Winged Ambassador-Need Attention

A series of workshops will be organised for young children around 15 villages. In addition to this, birdwatching events will be arranged in the near by water bodies to show and take active participation in the conservation of migratory birds.

Workshop on Bird-Watching and Digiscoping

The Ria of Burgo is a zone of high ornithological value. In addition, the seafront allows crowds of people to come around the Ria in order to enjoy the landscape, take walks and of course watch seabirds!

Digiscoping is a new technique to capture pictures by setting a digital camera to a terrestrial telescope, using its power of magnification. This represents an advantage for photographing exlusive species, avoiding much of the difficulties that imply when having to approach them with the conventional equipment.

Routes of spring: geese festival

At least 45 teachers and youth from St.Petersburg will visit farmlands in Olonets region during the time of geese spring migration stop-over to look at the outstanding natural beauty of this site.

The spring aggregations of geese and other migrating waterfowl species on the Olonets fields are the largest in Europe. The reasons for this are the rich forage that vast farmland offers, and availability of overnight shelter on Ladoga Lake and nearby wetlands.

Stop Illegal Hunting on Northern Bald Ibises

Information and Fund Raising campaign for internationally coordinated activities against illegal hunting on the highly endangered Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in the Middle East (Jordan, Saudi Arabia) and Europe (Italy).

The conservation project Waldrappteam ( collaborates with the German Heinz Sielmann beneficence and the Zoo Institution.

World Migratory Bird Day 2010

Dr. K. Suresh, the President of the Osmania Medical College Doctors' Forum, will address the media on 8 May 2010 regarding World Migratory Bird Day and, further, announce a painting competition for children on migratory birds for children.

World Migratory Bird Day in BIOPARC Valencia

Saturday, 8 May 2010:

- Educational stand with organic samples.
- Children’s masks workshop.

Sunday, 9 May 2010:

- Bird ringing workshop by fingers of SEO/BirdLife.
- Educational stand with organic samples.
- Gincana “When I grow up, I want to be bird”.
- Children’s masks workshop.
- Talks with bird keepers.


This year will be dedicated to species which also live in Croatia, especially those which live in swamp and marsh habitats.

Through bird watching, educational games, art workshops, educational info stations and interactive exhibits, visitors will be able to get to know the biology of various species, learn about the importance of biodiversity conservation for human beings as well as for the entire living world, and have fun at the same time.

Public walk & Presentation to create awarness on Houbara Bustard & other migratory birds

Baluchistan, a Pakistani province, offers great consitions in terms of topography and climate for migratory birds arriving from the freezing Central Asian Republic and Siberia.

The Houbara Bustard is one of the migratory birds to mention at this point.

The birds arrive to various parts of Pakistan including Nag Valley District Washuk Balochistan from the cold central Asian states during November and December every year. Their return usually starts from February until the end of March.

World Migratory Bird Day 2010

This year's WMBD event will be taking place on Rawal Lake in Islamabad.

The event involves birdwatching activities and a poster on Rawal Lake's birds.
Moreover, school children and the media environment journalists forum will be present.

We are also showing a documentary with the title "Waterfowl in Pakistan" made by the Pakistan Wetlands Programme WWF-P and educate on threatened birds species.


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