Educational Activity

Migratory Birds

Did you know that 8,000 to 10,000 of the world's 1.7 million described species migrate? Most animals migrate for different food sources, a place to over-winter and/or to reproduce. Migrating species are found in every ecosystem on land, in the water and of course, in the air.

This film will allow you to ride along the voyages of 4 different types of migratory birds that spend a part of their life cycle in Canada and show what is done to ensure their survival.

WMBD 2010 at Beit Gorvrin

As in previous years, the event includes bird ringing, the release of rehabilitated migratory birds, a photo exhibition, story tellers, "young birdwatchers", an exhibition on threatening factors to endangered bird species, etc.

La migración de las aves en las islas Canarias - The migration of the birds from the Canary Islands

19:00 horas en el salén de acto del Exconvento de san Sebastian de Los Silos. Conferencia divulgativa sobre "La migracién de las aves en las islas Canarias".

A conference with the title "Migration of birds in the Canary Islands" is planned for this year's World Migratory Bird Day.

The conference starts at 7 pm in the lounge act of the ex-Convent of San Sebastian de Los Silos.

Aves Migratorias: educación y conservación - Migratory Birds: Education and Conservation

Se realizaran charlas, observaciones de aves y talleres de artes plásticas sobre las características y la importancia de las aves migratorias y su relación con el ambiente. Estarón dirigidos a estudiantes del nivel inicial (4 a 6 años de edad) en escuelas rurales y de la ciudades de San Miguel de Tucumán y Yerba Buena (Tucumán).

This year's event involves talks and discussions on migratory birds, birding and art workshops on nature and the importance of migratory birds and its relationship with the environment.

Asity WMBD

This year's WMBD event involves various activities, such as an exhibition, educational programs on the the importance of migratory birds in life, birdwatching sessions and film screenings.

Fabien Rojizo va las escuelas y al teatro - Fabien Rojizo is going to schools and to the theatre

Our Red Knot mascot will visit every school handing out information material concerning the issue of ATV on beaches.

Moreover, on 6/7 May 2010 there will be 6 performances from our Red Knot theater production "El sueño de Violeta"

Giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori - World Migratory Bird Day

The organisation Riserva Naturale Valle Cavanata has planned an extensive programme for this year's World Migratory Bird Day.

There will be educational activities with students, special birdwatching guided tours and articles for the local press.

Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2010

For this year's World Migratory Bird Day, Bird Conservation Nepal is planning a great range of events in order to save those in crisis!

Overview of events:

1.Awareness programme at Jagdishpur:

Jagdishpur is one of the 27 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) of Nepal. Jagdishpur Wetland areas, comprising 225 ha., was declared as a Ramsar Site in 2003 mainly on the basis of migratory water birds and threatened mammals found in the area.

Giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori - World Migratory Bird Day

Centro Studi Ornitologici offers free visits to the ornithological station during birds ringing activities in order to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day.

Sandfly Creek - Our Waders in Crisis

Boards will be displayed showing flying routes of migratory birds with the aim to demonstrate the length of their journeys; some species flying non-stop in order to reach their destination.

Moreover, information packages will be handed out, including a booklet "Biodiversity of Sandlfy Creek Environmental Reserve" Book 1 Migratory Waders.


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