Educational Activity

Celebrating Migratory Birds in Tunisia

As in previous years, celebrations for World Migratory Bird Day, organized by the Association ‹‹Les Amis des Oiseaux›› (AAO), the BirdLife Partner in Tunisia, are running over the period from April to May.

AAO and its national partners started with a National Bird Migration Camp at the Important Bird Area (IBA) TN004 Jebel El Haouaria (also known as Jebel Sidi Abiod) on the Cape Bon from 3 to 11 April 2010.

IT in Education Teacher Training Workshop

WWF-Hong Kong has organized a training for primary school teachers. They will be instructed on the use of mobile learning devices at Mai Po Nature Reserve.

Participants will need to carry out interactive activities with the courseware in the netbook. One of the activities is to count the birds in the bird hide. After the training, participants will be able to understand and differentiate bird species with the information and the video clips within the courseware.

Puerto Rico Birdwatching

Students from different private and public schools around the Island will participate in a birdwatching event. They will receive information about migratory birds with the aim to celebrate and highlight the need to protect them!

WMBD in Asturias

This year's event involves the exposition of stamp collections related to birds, posters about migration routes in Europe and photos of migratory birds.

There will be a birdwatching event at Ria de Aviles (Aviles stuary) on 8/9 May 2010.

Children have the possibility to participate in a guided tour to the exposition.

Furthermore, conferences at two collgeges are planned and a presentation with local authorities and media will be held.

Pelatihan Pengamatan Satwa

Aceh is a province that still possesses the natural wealth of biodiversity, both flora and fauna, in particular birds are dominant. Birds have a significant role for the balance of ecosystems and need to be preserved and maintained. Moreover, birds constitute an important indicator in the assessment of quality and productivity of the environment as they are relatively easy to locate. Besides birds, Aceh is also home to various other rare animal species: Among others, Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), the Sumatran Tiger (Panther tigris sumatrae) and many more.

Madagascar Birdwatching event

During the last 10 years QMM and Birdlife International have organised birdwatching events to increase awareness on biodiversity loss in Madagascar.

This year's birdwatching event will be celebrated in November 2010 and an additional event will be organised especially for migratory birds.
There will be a birdwatching event at Ehoala beach, a film projection at school and a presentation for QMM employees.

Soirée Migrateurs sans frontières - Migration without boundaries evening

Soirée Migrateurs sans frontières,
samedi 8 mai, départs échelonnés entre 18h00 et 19h00 (RDV à  la maison éclusière de Saint-Louis Neuweg - Écluse

Pour la Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs: participez au rallye familial guidé pour comprendre les oiseaux migrateurs menacés car chaque espèce compte! Prévoir un repas tiré du sac. Avec Bertrand. Scaar, le groupe Ornis et la LPO


Migration without boundaries evening, Saturday 8 May

Music, dance and lectures to celebrate migratory birds

Nature Conservation Committee in association with Birds Bangladesh, Nijhumdweep Wetland Center will organise music, dance and a lecture on saving migratory birds. A film will be shown on migratory birds as well as a bird photo exhibition. A children painting contest on birds will also be part of the programme.

School teaching program in Nepal

Bird Conservation Nepal will organise a school teaching program in 10 different governmental schools in Nepal. Students will learn about migratory birds and their importance.

A free film on Birds Migration at Nguuni Nature Sanctuary - Mombasa

This year's event starts with a morning bird walk at the sanctuary wetland with members of the Nguuni Young Birder's Club & members of the public followed by a talk by Kelvin Mazera, the Resident Bird Guide and club patron at the centre's auditorium.

Day 2 begins with an afternoon film (David Attenborough's series on Migration at the centre's auditorium).


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