Educational Activity

Un aplauso para las aves viajeras - Applause for migratory birds

This year's WMBD event involves a photo exhibition of birds in the Humedal de la Desembocadura del Rio Lluta, a nature-sanctuary in the city.

Moreover, educational talks about bird banding will be held.

Campagne pour la conservation de l'habitat du héron bihoreau sur le lac Nokoué - Campaign for the conservation of the night heron's habitat at lake Nokoué

Sô-Ava est un village situé à une vingtaine de kilomètre au nord de Cotonou (capitale économique du Bénin). Ce village est bâti sur un vaste complexe fluvio-lagunaire édifié par la rivière Sô et la lac Nokoué qui est le plus grand plan d’eau lacustre du Bénin en communication directe avec l’océan Atlantique. C’est un site Ramsar (zone 1018).

Migratory Birds Week

This year's event includes a photo competition as well as various other competitions and also birdwatching activities.

Furthermore, media related to migratory birds will be present and discussions on this topic are planned.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

Two main activities are scheduled:

1. The event will start with a conference, which includes a debate on the main issues that migratory birds are facing (8/5/2010).

2.A field trip at Kigwena Forest Reserve along Lake Tanganyika shore will be organised in order to show some evidences on the current issues.

Migration happens arround us!

This year's event focuses on kids as main target group.

We will organize an art workshop, bird origami and interesting quizzes on the topic of migration.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebrations


Friday 7th May 2010
Migratory Masquerade @ the Mucky Duck R100 per person
(Make your own migratory bird mask and join us for an evening of fun and laughter)

Saturday 8th May
Kids Programme (ages 6-15)
Learning to identify birds
Global Journeys Game

Sunday 9th May
Team (4 max) bird watching
Prize giving @ the Country Inn

Kristi 0832270128 or [email protected]

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Lake Kuyucuk RAMSAR site

As it has been celebrated the last two years, KuzeyDoga Society will organise an event at Lake Kuyucuk, Turkey's 13th, eastern Anatolia's first RAMSAR site and European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) site of 2009.

Dr. Cagan Sekercioglu, president of the KuzeyDoga Society, will give a speech on the importance of the day and the wetlands for the migrating birds.

Local villagers, local administrators and local school children will attend the event.

Rare bird species in the Somme Estuary

A conference will be organised with Patrick Triplet, the manager of the Nature Reserve of the Somme Estuary. The conference will include educational activities.

Dia Mundial de las aves migratorias - World Migratory Bird Day

This year's event involves activities related to migratory birds and their habitats. All communities living closeby to this ecosystem are educated through enviromental education activities and programs.

Sensibilisation et Projection de films sur les oiseaux migrateurs - Awareness raising and movie projection about migratory birds

Sensibilisation à  l'importance de la protection des oiseaux migrateurs pendant toute la semaine du 03/05/2010 au 09/05/2010 dans les écoles et les maisons de jeunes de la région de GABÈS. Des films, suivis de discussions, seront projetés, montrant les différentes espèces migratrices qui passent par les oasis du sud tunisien, ceci dans le cadre du thème de la JMOM
Sauvons les oiseaux migrateurs menacés - chaque
espèce compte!


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