Educational Activity

World Migratory Bird Day 2011, in Incheon, South Korea

To mark World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD), the EAAFP Secretariat invited Incheon city officials with their children, totaling 80 people, to a Waterbird Watching & Education Program. The program was held on 5 May 2011 coinciding with a national holiday in Korea – Children’s Day. A half day program was designed to promote awareness of tidal flats in the region as an important habitat for migratory waterbirds and to stimulate public efforts to conserve them for the future.

The Birds are Coming

We will be outfitting library patrons, adults and children with binoculars and walking up our road, identifying migratory birds that are here. This particular week, historically, is a "big bird" week with lots of migrants having just arrived or arriving.
Following the bird hike we will have Native Deg Hitan Elders come and tell stories about the migratory birds.

Migratory Birds & Bangladesh


  • Inaugural speech: About migratory birda and about this year's theme;
  • Slide show: Migratory birds of Bangladesh;
  • Presentation: Migratory birds, their habitats, their threats, conservation & management;
  • Video show: Migratory bird habitats of Bangladesh (Tanguar Haor - Ramsar site);
  • Open discussions: About migratory birds.


How many storks do nest around Lake Burdur?

Lake Burdur is one of the Ramsar Sites in Turkey and is very important for migratory birds. It is also known as an important wintering site for the white-headed ducks.
As Burdur Birdwatching Society, this year, we are planning a trip to go around the lake to count the active stork nests and the number of the storks. During this activity we will also record other species and stop by the villages to come together with the local people and especially with kids to talk about the importance of the lake for migratory species.

World Migratory Birds Day 2011 Celebrations

  • Seminar on the topic of "Kot Addu - A Major Habitat for Migratory Birds" will be held in Jinah Hall Kot Addu in which promos and videos will also be exhibited.
  • Exhibition of Migratory Bird pictures for students.
  • Birdwatching event will be held at Taunsa Barrage Wildlife Sanctuary.

Bird watching at Sakumo Ramsar Site

The event will be organized by the Ghana Wildlife Division in collaboration with Friends of Ramsar Sites (a local NGO). Over 200 children and teachers from six basic schools from the catchment communities of the Sakumo Ramsar Site will meet for an educational programme on a range of topics - bird migration, wetlands, climate change, etc. This will be followed by a field visit to the site for bird watching. A press release on the event will be published on the 14th of May 2011.

World Migratory Bird Day celebrated throughout Ecuador

The Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment has submitted 11 events that will be celebrated throughout the country. Events will take place in: Antisana, Bolivar, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Loya, Los Rios, Napo, Sta. Elena, Sto. Domingo and Zamora.

For more information of each single event, please check the attached event descriptions.

World Migratory Bird Day 2011

Visite guidate lungo i sentieri natura dell'Oasi dedicate agli uccelli migratori (solo su prenotazione). L'Oasi è aperta dalle 9:30.

Guided tours along the paths of the oasis dedicated to migratory birds (reservation is requested). The Oasis is open from 9:30am.

World Migratory Bird Day 2011

Domenica 15 maggio le visite in oasi, ore 10.00 e ore 16.00, avranno come tema le migrazioni. Visto che siamo in una valle da pesca si parlerà delle migrazioni degli uccelli e dell’importanza che la laguna di Venezia riveste trovandosi al centro di importanti vie migratorie. Si parlerà però anche delle migrazioni dei pesci, che danno luogo all’attività di vallicoltura. Alle ore 15.00, in attesa dell’uscita pomeridiana, verrà proiettato il documentario “Le Valli da Pesca della Laguna di Venezia”.

World Migratory Bird Day

Koshi, east Nepal-13 to 16 May 2011 WMBD will be marked by a survey in the Dharan Forests (an Important Bird Area)and will be connected with the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (Nepal's first Ramsar Site and another Important Bird Area).

On 13 May a raptor survey of Koshi Tappu with a focus on vultures will be conducted.

In Lumbini(Important Bird Area), central Nepal, on 13 May a bird survey will be organised by the Lumbini Development Trust. The place is the birth place of Lord Buddha and a World Heritage Site.


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