Educational Activity

2010 World Migratory Bird Day

The Brisbane City Council in Australia is celebrating the '2010 World Migratory Bird Day' with a free community music festival on 9 May 2010.

This festival aims to raise awareness on protecting migratory birds and their habitat.

Jornadas para salvar las aves migratorias - World Migratory Bird Day to save migratory birds in crisis!

Trabajos de concientización en escuelas y colegios de la provincia de Mendoza. Charlas en Institutos de Educación Terciaria y Universidades.
Observaciones a campo en la Red de áreas protegidas de la provincia de Mendoza.
Birdwatching con estudiantes avanzados, en principales lagunas que alojan aves migradoras.
Elaboración de cuadernillos,afiches y trípticos relacionados con WMBD 2010.

World Migratory Bird Day 2010 focuses on globally threatened migratory birds : Events in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Malaysian Nature Society Miri Branch is celebrating World Migratory Bird Day for the third consecutive year.

This year we have invited Mr Khoo Swee Seng, from the MNS Raptor Study Group, to give a talk and slideshow on migrating raptors. Together with the Miri Branch Bird Group, Seng will be leading members of the public and students to two scheduled birdwatching outings. The event is a collaboration with Sarawak State Library Miri Branch.

Tunza Chemi Chemi Project: Conservation of the IBAs Busia Grasslands/Sio Port

The Tunza Chemi Chemi is a project that was launched by the Muungano Development Gateways organisation in September 2009. It is a partnership project and a voluntary initiative, which aims to protect Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Kenya. Currently 8 community based groups and youth environment clubs in 12 schools are supporting the project. The Partnership provides a framework for local network cooperation, including: Development of an IBA Site Network between the IBAs Sio Port and Busia Grasslands, which are both very important for migratory birds.

Aves de Jujuy - Birds of Jujuy

Salimos a Lagunas andinas en Jujuy para registrar especies migradoras. Dimos charlas a público en general sobre la importancia de proteger hábitat para las aves migradoras.

Activities for WMBD 2010: Workshops and Capacity Building for the local communities about the conservation of ecosystems and migratory birds.

World Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo

There will be activities all around Kosovo with a main event in Prishtina, the capital of our country. In cooperation with the Environmental Ministry of Kosovo and other NGO Environmental Organizations there a meeting in Prishtina will be organised in the centre of the city. This includes a photo exhibition, organized by "Finch" at AUK (American University of Kosova) as well as birdwatching activities at the outscirts of the city.

The second day will also offer birdwatching experiences at Dragashi Municipality, trying to find migratory birds that breed at a famous lake of Brezne.

Wings Over Weston

Come and join us for Wings Over Weston, a birding festival that celebrates all the fascinating birds that migrate through Weston Bend State Park every spring!
Take part in guided bird hikes, activities and games for children of all ages, music, food, a native plant sale, and a chance to view live birds up close.
Sponsors include Burroughs Audubon, Missouri State Parks, Audubon Missouri, Missouri Department of Conservation, Platte County Parks and Recreation, City of Weston, Aveda Corporation, and Kansas City Power and Light.

Event Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

WMBD 2011 celebrations in the United Republic of Tanzania

On both days East African Outdoor Adventures will implement Birdwatching activities and will teach participants about birds. The event will take place in two separate areas to cover as many bird species as possible and to show the diversity of birds. The two areas chosen, have different land use status. Makuyuni lies next to Manyara Ranch/ Wildlife corridor area while Kitefu is a village with scattered settlements, located south west of Mt Meru and north west of Mt Kilimanjaro. The vegetation covered in the two sites differs a lot.

Wildflower Woods Bird Hike

The public is invited to join a bird hike through 125 acres of woods, meadows, farm fields, lakeshore and gardens. Following the walk, a bird banding demonstration will take place teaching the importance of scientific study in helping birds around the world.


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