World Migratory Bird Day

Ecoturave makes these donated activities with the goal to protect birds in Venezuela. These activities will take place in Bolivar state, the sponsor is Bolivar Environment Officers.

Our team has to fligh to Ciudad Bolívar in order to celebrate the most important migratory bird day of the year and of course we are all bird lovers!

Friday 9th: we project an educational movie about birds related to migratory activities. The target group of the film are children between 8 to 15 years and the project takes place in four schools of Ciudad Bolivar city. The length of the movies is about 50 minutes.
After that we will do an interactive activity with elementary students about birds, how they migrate, why they are important to us and so on.
The second day (Saturday) we make a bird watching activity in a Botanical Garden in Ciudad Bolivar, the capital city of one of the greenest states in Venezuela, with Bolivar State as sponsor. The students have been chosen ccording to their marks or points they have achieved in this scholar year. In two moths and a half they’ll finish scholar year.
A great support for Ecoturave's activities will be the observation equipment donated by the Birders' Exchange program, which - on January 2007 - donated eight used binoculars in great shape to Ecoturave for the efforts of conservation of natural resources in Venezuela. (
Without this equipment it is impossible to develop the practical part of this activity and recognize the birds for monitoring.
Ecoturave also put two spotting scope to teach what it's like to be bird watcher.

Ciudad Bolivar 8° 5' 17.8044" N, 63° 33' 12.798" W
Start date: 
Friday, May 9, 2008 - 02:00
End date: 
Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 02:00