Educational Activity

World Migratory Bird Day with Salinas Pueblo Missions

Salinas Pueblo Missions will host an event for visitors to come out and celebrate, "The year of the Bird," during the World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at the Quarai unit of Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. This special day for celebrating was inaugurated by Partners in Flight in 1992 as a way to hilight its mission and that of its nearly 200 Partners. This second Saturday in May was chosen because peak migration offers the ideal opportunity to bring people and birds together -- to sow the seeds of wonder and caring.

World Migratory Bird Day at the Mill Mountain Zoo

WMBD holiday that celebrates the migration of nearly 350 species of migratory birds between nesting habitats in North America and non-breeding grounds in Latin America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Learn more about migratory bird conservation and how you can help. Keeper chats, crafts, face painting and more. Animal themed works of art will be displayed at the zoo during the event, and anyone bringing a piece to hang will get free admission. All activities are included with regular zoo admission.

World Migratory Bird Day Library Events

At 7 p.m. Tuesday at the main library, Master Gardener Janet Townsend will share how backyard gardens can help the planet, offering shelter to pollinators like bees and butterflies, during Out in the Garden: Pollinator Pockets.

At 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the main library, kids and their families will play a migration game and learn about World Migratory Bird Day at this week's Family Fun Night.

From 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the main library, kids and families can meet Champaign Police Officer Jordan Wells and take a close look at his car in the library parking lot.

Welcome Bird's Spring

The Administration of the Malá Fatra National Park has implemented the second Welcome Bird's Spring in Lesopark Chrasť in Žilina on April 13, in cooperation with the Slovak Ornithological Society / BirdLife Slovakia for the public, during which the visitors could learn 23 bird species during the birdwatching ang  recognition of bird voices.

World Migratory Bird Day at The Raptors

The Raptors is a falconry and bird of prey organization located in the Cowichan Valley of British Colombia.
We are open to the public daily for educational programming relating to avian biology and conservation.
To celebrate World Migratory Bird Day we are holding a special event for the weekend, with information geared specifically to migratory birds, the pacific flyway, and how humans can help our feathered friends! 

WMBD en la ría de Avilés

día 10: presentación del aula de naturaleza con rueda de prensa y visita guiada para autoirdades y periodistas

día 12:

AM: 9:30 limpieza de basuras en playa y duna / 12:00  encuentro de personas migrantes africanas para reconocer las aves que hau pasado el invierno en su tierra

PM: talleres infantiles, punto de observación de aves 

día 13

AM:  visita de grupo ciclista, talleres y punto de observación

PM: taller infantil y visitas guiadas

2018 World Bird Migratory Day: UNIFYING OUR VOICES FOR BIRDS

The 2018 world bird migratory day will be held for the first time in Omo forest reserve, Ogun state, Nigeria. The two day event will begin on friday with awareness visits to selected communities around the reserve. During these visits, awareness will be raised on bird soecies migration, the threats and the actions required to mitigate these threats. 

The second day event will begin with a bird watching outing around the reserve. This will be followed by an assembly where invited partcipants will be treated to an educative play on bird migration.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at the Forest Preserves of Cook County

Welcome back birds at this year’s World Migratory Bird Day Celebration in one of Chicago’s best migratory bird stopover areas. Watch scientists band and release birds migrating from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Visit with a live owl or hawk. Tour a bird-focused habitat restoration and plant a shrub. Listen to the songs of a local chorus, the Bullfrogs. Enjoy crafts, snacks, bird walks and more. All are welcome!

Le baguage des oiseaux conf.

Conférence sur le baguage et la migration des oiseaux

World Migratory Bird Day in Fond du Lac

World Migratory Bird Day is officially coming up on May 12th, but Fond du Lac is getting an early start on the celebration. 

Fond du Lac was named one of Wisconsin’s “Bird Cities” in 2012, and Laura DeGolier says “we have to put on a celebration that reminds people of the value of birds, encourage people to plant bird habitat…and we do it at this time of the year, because that’s when the birds are moving.”


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