Educational Activity

Early Bird Canoe at Anita C. Leight Estuary Center

Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day by touring the marsh in search of avian residents as they begin the breeding season. This program is for ages 8 to adult, under 13 w/adult.

World Migratory Bird Day EdZOOcation Days

Learning is always an adventure at the Virginia Zoo! Join us for our EdZOOcation Days to explore animals and their habitats through hands-on activities, crafts, stories, Keeper Chats, and up-close encounters with our program animal ambassadors. Contribute directly to conservation efforts around the world and learn about what you can do every day to protect the species you love!

DMAM Conectando las Escuelas en la Conservación de las Aves

Students will work with Humedal de Pesco to explore the importance of wetlands to migratory birds and present their findings during a multi-school webinar. 

The children of Oualidia Private sing for migratory birds

The children of Oualidia Private School gathered in Oualidia Ecological Teaching Centre to give an enthusiastic homage to their winged companions. The Ecological Centre, run by GREPOM (BirdLife in Morocco), provides training that empowers local groups to put conservation projects into action. Every year, it also hosts the World Migratory Bird Day celebrations, with an exciting program of events including photo competitions and nest box-making workshops.

2018 World Migratory Bird Day

Come meet Mary Bethe Wright from the Alaska Bird Treatment and Learning Center and her Golden Eagle "Denali." 


10:00-11:30 Bird Feeder Building
12:00-1:00 Live Bird Presentation

Families Welcome!
Special Thanks to Ravn Air and Friends of Alaska Refuges
For more information call: the Refuge Visitor Center: 487-2626


The Amazing Chimney Swift- William Kelley Elementary School (Private Event)

A presentation on the natural history of chimney swifts for second graders at the William Kelley Elementary School in Silver Bay Minnesota.  Students will learn about the swifts roosting in the school chimney, fun facts about these birds, migration information and conservation efforts including plans for building an artificial roosting structure at the school.

Voice unification for birds conservation from Fort-dauphin, Madagascar to the world

As in 2017, this year the "Tropical Biodiversity and Social Enterprise" (TBSE) decided to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day here in Fort Dauphin, Madagascar. The event centered around three main activities : Movie watching ; Educational Activity ; Birdwatching, and will be celebrated on the 9th of May, and the 12th of May. The first session of the 9th of May includes film screening and educational activity. We hope to host around 40 students from schools arond the town.

Lecture about Kosiv`birds with the video (Ukraine)

Specialists of the department of Environmental Education of the National Park "Hutsulshchyna" held an educational lecture on birds for pupils of the 5th grade of the Cherhanivka`s school. Schoolchildren were pleased and learned a lot about Kosivshchyna`s birds.

Meeker World Migratory Bird Day

Need to identify a bird? Ask a current or former Meeker Elementary School student. They’re likely to know more about local birds than the average adult, thanks to 15 years of cooperation between the Meeker Elementary, Barone Middle School, the Blanco Ranger District and wildlife biologist Mary Cunningham.

The importance of the migratory birds "Unifying our Voices for Bird Conservation"

Kuwait Lens Team sponserd by KFAS (Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science) held an event In one of Al-Amiri Diwan's projects, The Habitat Museum, located in Al-Shaheed Park, Kuwait. The Team took a tour inside the Museum and saw all the 3D printed birds samples, then they showcased a short movie they made by them about migratory birds in Kuwait followed by a lecture from Eng. Ali Younis. The lecture was about the air photography by drones and how the use of it could help us study the birds more and in depth. Finally, Prof.


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