Educational Activity

Free the Flyway

A Conference on Bird Conservation

Ambiente bene in Comune

A Monte Castello di Vibio, piccolo borgo medievale situato lungo la valle del Tevere, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale degli Uccelli Migratori,
camminiamo insieme fino a Doglio per consegnare ad un concittadino un segno di gratitudine per le sue azioni a tutela dell’avifauna migratrice .


  Ritrovo: 8:00   P.zza Vittorio Emanuele II

  Partenza: 9:00   Largo di Poggio Altrena

  Arrivo: 11:30      Doglio, cerimonia di premiazione

"Broken Wings- Birds under threat"- temporary exhibition

 This exhibition aims to focus people's attention on dangers birds face today, from habitat loss to illegal hunting. The exhibition features bird species from Europe, represented by museum specimens, and texts that "tell"each bird story.Visitors can also access an InfoTouch presentation showing the most endangered birdsong species of Romania and can listen to their specific songs.

Karanambu Bird Festival

In celebration of World Migratory Bird Day- Karanambu Lodge and Trust, pioneers in conservation and birding tourism in the Rupununi and Guyana is hosting its first ever Karanambu Bird Festival to promote the the importance of birds and bird conservation to the region and inspire another generation of birding watchers, conservationists and tour guides. Events commentce at 8am, invited are young people ages 8-18yrs form the villages of Yupukari, Kwaimatta, Quatatta, Massara and Binna Hill to enjoy a day of learnign and fun. with birdwatchign trips, games, crafts and lunch.

Bald Eagle Release at Bramble Park Zoo

To celebrate WMBD, Bramble Park Zoo, in Watertown South Dakota, will release a mature male bald eagle as part of its rehabilitation and release program. The release will occur at the Dakota Sioux Casino just north of the Bramble Park Zoo.

Eagle Release

Time: 10:30 AM

Date:  October 1, 2018

Location: Dakota Sioux Casino (near RV Park)

Welcome: Tribal Chairman – Dave Flute

Eagle History – Zoo Veterinarian/Zoo Representative

Eagles Cultural History – Mikey Peters, Tiospa Zina Tribal School

Honor Song – Tiospa Zina Tribal School Drum

Conozcamos las aves migratorias de la ciudad de Morelia

Durante una sesión de 2 horas realizaremos primero una plática sobre qué es una ave migratoria, cuáles son las especies más comunes en la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán, se vivirá un rally con los principales peligros durante la migración y se cerrará adornando un títere de ave con un letrero que indica recomendaciones para cuidarlas. Trabajaremos en una escuela local de nivel primaria.

Un viaje extraordinario - An extraordinary journey

On September 29 the National Museum of Natural History and the Biology career at the Universidad Mayor de San Andres will hold the exhibition on migratory birds in Bolivia:

1. Video exhibition
2. Informative stand with the following themes:
• Aspects related to the migration of birds
• How migratory birds are studied
• Migratory routes of the birds of Bolivia
• Threats of migratory birds

Dubai Safari Park

Dubai Safari Park celebrated the World Migratory Bird Day on 13th October, 2018. We organized a bird watching programme for our employees and visited Al Qudra Lakes in Al Marmoom Conservation Reserve, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was a successful programme. Many species of common and rare birds were sighted in which many were migratory and winter visitor to the country. Discussion was made on long term conservation planning of migratory birds in the UAE and elsewhere.


World Migratory Bird Day

Students from different schools will be taken outdoors for birding and different sorts of nature and wildlife related activities and a small workshop on wildlife awareness and conservation.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2018

Este evento será celebrado en el Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara, organizado por el Proyecto Aves del Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales y la Coordinación de Extensión. Este evento tiene como meta principal fomentar la educación e importancia de las aves migratorias y residentes, así como sus hábitats y los retos que enfrentan cada año. Para esto, tendremos algunas ponencias de profesores, experiencias de estudiantes de IRNA en el estudio de aves, autoridades e investigadores del área de la conservación de las aves.


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