
Birdwatching in Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark

Beigua Geopark is a privileged observation point for birdwatching: look at the sky to follow the flight of honey buzzards, booted eagles, marsh harriers, black kites, short-toed snake eagles and other birds of prey.

Join us at the Ornithological Centre of Case Vaccà and don't forget your binoculars: with the help of the Park Guide, an expert ornithologist, we will learn to identify and record the different species.

Meeting point: from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ornithological Centre Case Vaccà, Arenzano

No admission fee.

Landscape Literacy by Artemisia Institute's Birding Club

The inaugural meeting of the Artemisia Institute's Birding Club will be May 12 from 9am-11am, the day after World Migratory Bird Day!
Led by institute Director Estraven Lupino-Smith, this birding outing will focus on identifying some local species, talking about ecosystems and habitats, and discussing what queering birding and other naturalist practices might look like while remembering that the best way to see birds is to stay quiet. Bring your binoculars! (and an extra pair to share)

The location is TBA, depending on accessibility needs.

Arkansas River "Birdwalk"

Walk along the Arkansas Riverwalk at a leisurely pace while looking to locate and identify migratory and other birds in the Canon City area.  Convey to participants the importance for providing suitable habitat for migratory birds across all phases of their life cycle (i.e., winter, migration, and breeding habitats).

World Migratory Bird Day by Columbia Bottom Conservation Area

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at Columbia Bottom Conservation Area! See what makes Columbia Bottom an important stopover for many migratory birds, and discover ways you can help bird conservation. Kids can visit our activity stations to learn about migratory birds and earn a prize.

Date: May 5th (noon - 4 p.m.) 

Location: Columbia Bottom Conservation Center 


World Migratory Bird Day - Cedar City, Utah


World Migratory Bird Day - Saturday May 11th in Cedar City, UT

Starts at 7:00 AM and Ends at Noon (Mountain Standard Time)

Join local resource agencies and local bird enthusiasts for:

Bird Walks, Bird Related Educational Activities and Games, Bird Identification, Mist Net and Banding Demonstration! 

A Bird Themed Poster Art Contest for local students Kindergarten through 6th Grade.

World Migratory Bird Day at Lost Valley Visitor Center in Glacial Park

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

Saturday, April 27 8am-Noon

Capture and banding of migrating songbirds by US Fish & Wildlife Service biologists (8-10:30am)

Festival de Aves: Celebrando los Bosques Urbanos

Festival de Aves

Bosque Estatal de Pinones

Sabado 27 de abril de 2019 (8:00 AM a 1:00 PM)


El Programa del Estuario de la Bahia de San Juan invita  a todos los estudiantes y sus padres a celebrar las aves en el Bosque Estatal de Pinones. Tendremos Recorridos deObservacion de Aves, Charlas Educativas,Juegos Ecologicos, Estacion de Monitoreo de Agua y otras.
La Actividad cuenta como horas de contactoverde.
para mas informacion pueden escribir a: [email protected]





World Migratory Bird Day Guided Walk by Friends of St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge

The Friends of St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge, part of the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail,  are hosting a guided walk with experienced birders from the Apalachee Audubon and from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Corps. We will be observing nesting areas of migratory and neo tropical birds that use St. Vincent Island as a flyway stopover and /or nesting area. We hope to see least terns, oystercatchers, brown pelicans and snowy plovers. The Refuge hosts over 56 species of migratory and other birds.

World Migratory Bird Day

The event is celebrated every year in resorts and schools. This year, it includes presentations on migratory birds and fun games related to birds along with an awareness talk. The last actvity of the event would be a beach cleanup and waste sorting with the participants being offered refreshments and group pictures.

World Migratory Bird Day and Native Plant Sale

Sunday, May 19, 2019: World Migratory Bird Day and Native Plant Sale, 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Bring your binoculars and join Observatory experts on bird hikes through Forest Beach Migratory Preserve, enjoy a live raptor show, and shop for native plants that benefit birds, Monarchs, and other pollinators.


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