
Bird ringing and birdwatching in Asinara National Park (Sardinia - Italy)

During our project of bird ringing to study the spring migration of birds (2019 is the 22nd year of activity of our ringing station), we will also complete a detailed list of all the sightings of birds during the weekend and we will greet all the visitors of the National Park, explaining them the migration routes and the ecology of birds, and raising awareness about conservation.

Feria del Colegio Franciscano del Ejido San Agustin_Stand Importancia de las aves y la contaminación por residuos plásticos

El ejido de san agustín ofrece una feria anual, en la cual se realizan diversas actividades culturales y recreativas, nosotros tendremos un stand donde ofreceremos pláticas acerca de la problemática que acarrea el uso desmedido del plástico, las aves y su importancia, talleres de huertos urbanos, juegos y pintura para los niños.

Limpieza comunitaria en Punta Allen

Amigos de Sian Ka'an A.C impulsa limpiezas en conjunto con  la comunidad de Punta Allen con el objetivo de prevenir la generación y fomentar la valorización, el tratamiento y la disposición final de los residuos de forma social y ambientalmente responsable, para lograr un Punta Allen limpio.

Ventotene: tra cielo e mare 10-12 Maggio 2019

Ventotene Island is a very important site for birdlife and migration. Thanks to its geographical position, in fact, it represents the first stop over site for many species that seasonally make enormous movements between the African continent and Europe.

Birdwatching in Berbak Sembilang National Park

               Berbak Sembilang national park is located in the coast of the province of South Sumatra, Indonesia. This national park has a large area of ​​2,051 km². The boundaries of the Berbak National Park area are as follows - the East borders with the villages that are included in the Sadu District area, on the West borders with the Berbak River, the Northern Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Orang Kayo Hitam and Hutan Lindung gambut (HLG) Borders with villages in Sadu district area, the south borders with Sembilang National Park, South Sumatra Province.

PAU Tapachula

Desarrollo de talleres con distintos contenidos que se centran en el conocimiento de las aves.

Plastic Cleanup and Educational Events at Join Ruthven Park National Historic Sitefor World Migratory Bird Day

It's time to do our part to help clean up the planet and help protect our native bird species! Join Ruthven Park National Historic Site for a morning of plastic conservation games and activities to raise awareness about native birds and the effects of plastic pollution. Help clean up the park by joining our walks to clean-up the grounds. Create your own artwork made from recycled plastic. Participate in giant plastic lawn games. Learn about the importance of bird migration first-hand at our Bird Banding Lab. Take part in a tour of the historic Thompson Family Mansion.

Migrate to the Marsh at Myrick Park for World Migratory Bird Day

WisCorps, Coulee Region Audubon Society, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Geological Survey and the City of La Crosse are hosting a World Migratory Bird Day celebration in Myrick Park and at the Myrick Park Center on Saturday May 4, 2019 from 6:30 am – 12 noon.  This entirely FREE event includes a sunrise birding hike, bird banding demonstration, family-friendly birding walks, River Valley Raptors live raptor presentation and booth, bird-themed crafts and games.

“Migrasyon at Polusyon (English: Migration and Pollution): An Outdoor Learning Event on Bird Migration and Plastic Pollution”

Aside from bird watching, monitoring, and a field trip in the wetland where migratory birds are observed, the event will include: a) clean up drive for birds and sanitation; b) exhibit on bird migration in the community; and c) the conduct of “Dalaw Turo” (Dalaw – to visit; Turo – to teach), alternative approach on biodiversity conservation by using street theatre, environmental games, and lectures.

The event’s purpose and objectives are:

1) provide communication, education and public awareness on migratory bird conservation;

Mt. Wanda Bird Walk

Join the National Park Service and Mount Diablo Audubon Society for a springtime bird walk on Mt. Wanda, part of the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, CA. This free program begins with a moderately strenuous but slowly paced hike to observe and identify the birds of Mt. Wanda. The trail includes about 650 feet of elevation gain to a beautiful 360° view overlooking Alhambra Valley. Lark Sparrow, House Wren, and Lazuli Bunting were seen in 2018. All levels of birders and curious observers welcome.


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