
Birding On The Prairie

The program consists of a birding activity in the prairie, a short talk about the importance of the conservation of natural resources and the protection of our birds, and a bilingual tour through our site.

Talking face to face with pepole near Zayanderud river

On May 11th, some members of AvayeBoom Bird Conservation Society, in collaboration with cultural department of Nazhvan Forest Park, went among people in this park to introduce this day and talk face to face with them about this year’s theme: “Protect Birds: Be The Solution To Plastic Pollution”. Taking photos of people while holding the day’s poster, our members listened to people’s solutions and suggestions and talked to them about harms of plastic for nature and birds in particular.

Public Birdwatching near ZayandehRud river

On 10th of May, AvayeBoom Bird Conservation Society led a group of 12 birdwatching and environmentalist enthusiasts. On this 3-hour tour that lasted from 8 am to 11am, participants got to watch the birds on eastern bank of Zayenderud river at Bagh-e-Javan Park in Esfahan. Luckily, due to the flowing water and mild weather condition, around 20 bird species were observed and identified. Following is the list of observed birds:
Little bittern 
Night heron
Eurasian golden oriole
Little egret
Cattle egret
Willow warbler
Hooded crow

Día mundial de aves migratorias

Se realizará senderismo con observación de aves, al igual que se impartirán pláticas de sensibilización ambiental tocando con énfasis el tema de este año los plásticos. 

World Migratory Bird Hike at Springwater Conservation Area

Take a hike around Springwater Forest with CCCA and Bird Studies Canada biologists to witness some of the Carolinian's Life zones bird wildlife.

World Migratory Bird Day by Toronto Ornithological Club

Discover High Park on a new light, join the Toronto Ornithological Club to enjoy warblers, orioles, sparrows and hummingbirds! Meet leader Tim McCarthy at 7:30 a.m. at the parking lot inside the Bloor St. entrance to High Park at High Park Ave. Keep an eye out for people with binoculars. This outing involves walking over gentle terrain but with some contours, over 1 – 2 km.

Willowdale Bird Migration Meet-up

Join us on World Migratory Bird Day as we tell you about what birds you can see in your Willowdale backyard at this time of year. We will meet at Edithvale Community Centre where we start by talking about birding, migratory birds, and what people can do to protect birds. Then we take a bird-watching walk nearby to identify birds. Rain or shine. Bring binoculars if you have them.

World Migratory Bird Day at Ridley Creek State Park

Bring your binoculars and join your DCNR Park Naturalist for a fun morning hike to search for spring migrants along back trails. Beginners and families are welcome to share your good ears and eyes to help spot our avian friends as they prepare for migration. Meet at picnic area 8 overflow parking lot with good walking shoes, water and your favorite snacks to carry.

World Migratory Bird Day by Town of Brookhaven

Long Island is a popular stop over and nesting area for many avian species. Join us as we observe and identify which birds like to nest and dine on our bit of coast. Wear comfortable shoes, bring quiet voices and binoculars.

World Migratory Bird Day at Elkhorn Slough

The Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve is hosting World Migratory Bird Day. The event welcomes people into its beautiful tidal salt marsh landscape. Within the reserve, there is a rich abundance of birds, plants, marine mammals, and fish. For the event we are offering bird walks, games, and arts & crafts, and information about the impact of plastics on the environment and the ways people can create positive change.


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