
DÍA MUNDIAL DE LAS AVES MIGRATORIAS: Noches oscuras, migraciones seguras

El evento consistió en una charla sobre el ''Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias'' en la Ciudad de Tacna, Perú. En el evento asistieron alumnos universitarios y escolares de la ciudad de Tacna. Posterior a la charla, se repartió material sobre las aves migratorias y se realizó una pequeña salida de avistamiento de aves.


  • Programa de Aves Urbanas Tacna - PAU Tacna
  • Asociación de Investigación Ecobiológica - AIECO

Koziakas Trail: we are running for the Egyptian Vulture!

A running event dedicated to the conservation of the Egyptian Vulture in Greece, the only migratory vulture in Europe.

More info for the event: https://kt.elati-pertouli.gr/service/genika/

Pepita Peregrina, un ave viajera

Sigue avanzando el mes y, con él, las actividades de animación lectora y fomento de la lectura que las Bibliotecas Municipales de Burjassot están desarrollando para todas las edades.

La cita esta semana será el jueves 9 de mayo a las 18.00 horas en la Biblioteca Infantil donde, con la animación Pepita peregrina, un ave viajera, se conmemorará también el Día de las Aves Migratorias y el Día de Europa.

World Migratory Bird Day

Puiblic awareness activity about migratory birds and their conservation for the local communities and kids.

Join us at the Cosumnes River Preserve for World Migratory Bird Day!

Guided Bird Walk: Join Cosumnes River Preserve docents on a guided bird outing along the River Walk Trail! You will learn about various migrating birds and how they use the Cosumnes River Preserve as their home or stopover grounds. The route will cover approximately 3.5 miles, but participants who do not wish to walk that far may turn around at any time. This is a great family activity for all ages in an outdoor setting.

2024 "Your Neighbors the Birds" - "Tus vecinos los pájaros" - Museo Portoviejo (Lisa Brunetti)

2024: Oct 10 - Museo Portoviejo   Portoviejo-Ecuador 

Presenting images (art and photos/videos/augmented reality) and audios and trivia about local birds, as well as the migratory ones who travel long distances to enjoy a vacation in Manabi!  What do birds eat?  Where do they sleep? Where are they safe and where are they in danger? Do we humans consider what nature needs?   

Lisa's last exposition invited others to step into her world.  This next one invites the visitor to walk in the footsteps of the birds.

Jóvenes amigos de la naturaleza: aprendiendo sobre aves migratorias

Taller: Aprendiendo sobre las Aves Migratorias.

Con el objetivo de sembrar el respeto por el entorno que compartimos con las aves, en esta oportunidad tuvimos la dicha de estar con los jóvenes de secundaria de la U.E. Santiago Mariño ubicada en Corozopando, Edo. Guárico y los guías de Hato Las Caretas

Hato Masaguaral fue el aula abierta donde pasamos una mañana de aprendizaje y reflexión acerca de las aves, conversamos, pajaremos, y aprendimos sobre la importancia del trabajo en equipo en pro de la conservación de la naturaleza.

Seabirds Monitoring in Jakarta Bay

The celebration of World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday 14 October 2023 was attended by more than 40 people consisting of students, bird watchers and local communities. 

Using 2 vessels, monitoring activities were conducted in the waters of Jakarta Bay. Within Jakarta Bay, which covers an area of 514 square kilometres, the team managed to collect data over a distance of 41.5 kilometres.

Saudi Arabia celebration on world migratory bird day under the slogan of " Water: Sustaining Bird Life" 2023

Saudi Arabia will celebrate the world migratory bird day under the slogan of " Water: Sustaining Bird Life"2023. The event will be accompanied by Saudi Arabia celebration on bird migration in October 2023 through the National Center for Wildlife's social media platforms, and an online seminar to showcase the importance of the Water in Sustainability of Bird .Life, in addition, the celebration will present the role of the center and national partners in conserving migratory birds

Aves migratorias en mi comunidad

Migratory birds in my community

Our event consists of a series of activities beginning with a film screening in the evening. The next day in the morning there will be a bird watching activity, followed by a photographic exhibition entitled "the birds of my community". The celebration of World Migratory Bird Day will end with an art illustration activity where attendees will be able to draw and color the bird of their choice.


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