
MYRIAD. Where we connect. - interactive, expansive installation on animal migration

Animal migration is one of the most vivid examples of the interrelationships and interdependencies that characterise life on our shared planet. As part of the exhibition "Bending the Curve - Knowing, Acting, Caring for Biodiversity" at the Frankfurter Kunstverein, MYRIAD. Where we connect. can be experienced for the first time as an interactive, expansive installation.

World Migratory Bird Day at Eisenhower National Historic Site

Join us at Eisenhower National Historic Site, from 12 pm to 4 pm, to learn about migratory birds on World Migratory Bird Day.  Explore how birds use the lands preserved at the Eisenhower farm during spring and fall migrations.  Join a ranger on a guided bird walk and participate in several hands-on educational activities at our information table.  Explore the grounds that Ike and Mamie loved and embark on a feathered friend scavenger hunt as you tour the Eisenhower home.

Migratory Birds awarness campaign by Exploring Womanhood Foundation

We Exploring Womanhood Foundation, India will spread the awarness through our social media handle. Will talk with people around us also make aware to childerns and youth

Migration bird box exploring

We have recently set up your architect-designed bird boxes to accommodate our migrating birds. The starling has already moved in, in one of them. Now we welcome everyone to an inspiring walk to explore the other bird boxes. At the same time, we will look for plastic and rubbish that has come ashore during the winter, and by doing so contribute to cleaning both beaches and paths.

Rebirth of Water Birds 1

Rebirth of Water Birds at Havre de Grace Maritime Museum

Our planet is 71% water, supporting every ecosystem imaginable. Water is life. It doesn’t matter what other elements you have; nothing survives without water for long. Water is fundamental to life on our planet. The vast majority of migratory birds rely on aquatic ecosystems during their life cycles. Inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, and ponds are all vital for feeding, drinking, or nesting, and also as places to rest and refuel during their long journeys.

Hill Country Migratory Birding Seminar

Calling all birders! The Wimberley Parks and Recreation Department is hosting the first ever Hill Country Migratory Birding Seminar. The Texas Hill Country is a rest stop for migrating birds such as the Black-capped Vireo and endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler. We invite you to attend this seminar and hear from various speakers about protecting birds, how to cultivate bird-friendly habitats, and so much more! 

Participants will meet at the Wimberley Community Center from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Online registration required and is a free event. Register at the link below: 

NABU Dortmund Ökotreff zum Thema Lichtverschmutzung

Es fand ein Vortrag unter dem Thema "Ökotreff: Lichtverschmutzung reduzieren! Zum Schutz von Tieren, Pflanzen und uns Menschen" statt.

Actividad Niñas con Alas

El Programa Educativo Ambiental, Niñas con Alas, basados en los métodos de aprendizaje STEM, se realizó actividad en el cual se otorgó los binoculares donados por optics for the tropics a través de Environment for the Americas con el programa educativo del Dia Mundial de las Aves Migratorias  permitirán que las niñas tengan ese contacto con la naturaleza, conozcan más sobre la biodiversidad que les rodea y logren relacionar la ciencia con la conservación de las aves y todo sus ecosistemas.

Bicicleteando y Pajareando

Se realizó actividad de observación de aves mediante el deporte del ciclismo. Una forma de divulgar y motivar al rubro de ciclistas en el tema de conservación de las aves migratorias. Se llevó a cabo tips para identificación de aves y tambiên charla educativa sobre el tema de conservación DMAM 2022. El material educativo fue clave para compartir con ellos la información sobre la contaminación de luz artificial y el impacto a las aves que migran de noche.

Observación del cielo nocturno

Mujeres y Naturaleza junto a la Asociación Salvadoreña de Astronomía llevará a cabo una actividad de observación del cielo nocturno donde se observarán las estrellas y la luna. Durante esta actividad se hará una charla educativa sobre el impacto de la contaminación por luz en la migración de las aves  y también cómo afecta en la observación de las estrellas. 


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