
Toronto Migratory Bird Day

Enjoy the outdoors and get dirty at Tommy Thompson Park! Tommy Thompson Park, also known as the Leslie Spit, is a globally significant Important Bird Area and is visited by millions of birds every year as they migrate through the city. Help support our urban birds by planting native shrubs that provide important food resources and habitat!

Protection of migratory birds in Miankaleh wetland by the Caspian Sea, Mazandaran, Iran.

Miankaleh wetland situated in East of the Caspian Sea was a point of news during the past months from Jan. to April 2022 for protection of the wetland itself, its biodiversity, etc. against construction of a petrochemical plant and finally we won with support of people to stop the plant.

Webinar on the effects of artificial light pollution on marine birds and sea turtles

We will invite two specialists in the fields of birds and sea turtles: - Imed JERIBI (North Africa Sea Turtles Network - "NASTNet") - Hichem AZAFZAF & Claudia FELTRUP-AZFZAF (AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia)

Preliminary Webinar Program : - Overview of the AAO's WMBD celebration (2015 to 2021) 

- Session I: Impact of artificial light pollution on migratory birds and seabirds (migration, breeding, nesting, behavior ...etc.) and what mitigation measures to take?


Global Bird Rescue

Global Bird Rescue uses the Global Bird Collision Mapper (GBCM) to document bird-building collisions worldwide. Each year, during the first week in October, teams and individuals take to the streets to search for birds that have collided with buildings in their community, to social media to raise awareness about this conservation issue, and to make their own windows bird-safe.

This event is world-wide and not address specific. Anyone can participate anywhere!

Meet Qanaxsix the Bald Eagle and Girdie the American Crow

Visit with a live Bald Eagle and American Crow with bird caretakers Lisa Pajot and Chandell Cotter, both volunteers for the Alaska Bird Learning and Treatment Center. This is a free online event that will be presened via Zoom. Register here to received the link: https://alaska.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrc-CvpjsiHNPiAuAkyIZNS0KefrG7....

World Migratory Bird Day at Steinaker State Park

Come celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at Steinaker State Park near Vernal. Join us for a hike, birding presentation, and dark sky events!

About this event

Steinaker State Park and the Division of Wildlife Resources are hosting an all-day celebration of World Migratory Bird Day on May 14, 2022, at Steinaker State Park near Vernal.


Event schedule


We are primary school "Velešićki Heroji" from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The students and teachers from our school will make a bird-themed multimedia exhibition this year. Several mini projects will be included. We are going to set up a bird exhibition in our botanical garden, organize multimedia workshops and lectures, and engage in DIY activities. Our goal is to raise awareness of our students on the necessity of protecting the migratory birds while familiarizing children with a variety of bird species in their local environment.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

World Migratory Bird Day is an annual event for educating the public about the urgent conservation needs of migratory birds and their habitats. On Saturday, May 14, join Pipestone National Monument for a fun and informative day of activities for the whole family! 

World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in Indonesia

HIMPUS (Poultry Lovers Student Association) is an organization of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, which is engaged in the development and observation of birds in Aceh, Indonesia. HIMPUS has focused on protecting migratory birds in Indonesia since 2014 by carrying out various public awareness efforts.


Considerando que OPADES posee como misión desarrollar una cultura de respeto a la naturaleza con la participación activa de la sociedad, esta propuesta se enfoca en establecer un espacio que incluya la degustación de cervezas artesanales, en un ambiente de happy hour, para socializar con entusiastas de la observación de aves y el público en general. 


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