
Edukasi dan Pengamatan Burung Migrasi

Edukasi dan pengamatan burung migrasi di bima merupakan kali kedua dilaksanakan oleh anggota sindikat fotografer wildlife bima-dompu yang di dukung oleh alphharian regional bima - dompu, dimana dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat sekitar bisa menjaga satwa yang migrasi dan diharapkan kepada peserta yang ikut bisa berkelanjutan dan mengenal satwa-satwa pantai yang ada.



The activity that we will perform is in a National Park in Colombia (PARQUE NACIONAL NEVADO DEL HUILA). In the indigenous communities the provided material will support learning activities and underpin the importance of the park's ecosystem and habitat of present migratory species. It will help to understand the patterns of migration and shaping records based on observations on field trips to areas of forests. We will conduct workshops, birdwatching, drawing birds and recordings of bird songs.

World Migratory Birds Day 2015

The event will to take place in the period from 14 - 16 May 2015 in ElHaj abdalla at Gezeira, an area sensitive to the migratory soaring birds; Gezeira embraces giant agricultural schemes, in addition to some important wetlands. These together with irrigation canals form an important habitat for migratory soaring birds. Grid of power lines criss-cross the Gezira scheme, supplying energy to the irrigated schemes as well as heavily populated residential areas. The power lines are relatively old.

Migratory Bird Day Program

We wanted to gather the local pleople, youth, children and government officials to celebrate this day by having small presentations, conducting a rally and cleaning activities.


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