
Migratory Bird Day at the National Aquarium

Join us on Saturday, May 12, and Sunday, May 13, as we celebrate International Migratory Bird Day to raise awareness for migratory bird conservation! 

This year is the 20th anniversary of International Migratory Bird Day, and we’re encouraging people to take action to help preserve birds every day. Come learn how and get connected to bird conservation through special bird encounters, presentations, and interactive education stations. 

Día de las Aves

Hi all fellows !!!

The event was scheduled for May 16 or 18. It will be held on May 4 and a few days before mentioned other activities will be carried out on the school campus.

For that week of May we will be doing activities related to birds, their habitats (region where they live on the island) and making of aviaries. We will have videos of how ecosystems have been affected after the passage of Hurricane Maria.

Spring Bird Celebration & International Migratory Bird Day with Warner Park Nature Center

Age level: All ages Registration not required Celebrate “the Year of the Bird” highlighting spring migrants, bird research, and bird conservation.  Participants may observe bird banding research between 9 a.m.-noon, and enjoy games, crafts, puppet shows and more throughout the day. For more information about World Migratory Bird Day, go to www.birdday.org.  Leaders: BIRD Team, Nature​

Reason for Hope - an event at Rosegg Animal Park

We are celebrating World Migratory Bird Day with an event at Rosegg Animal Park. 

The event program includes info stands, presentations, a guided tour at Northern Bald Ibis aviary, movie screenings, crafts and other activities for children. A talk on reintroduction of Northern Bald Ibis in Europe by Life project and a lecture on bird migration are among other event highlights.

Below, please, find the detailed event program in German:


Reason for Hope – Veranstaltung im Tierpark Rosegg

12. und 13. Mai 2018

CIEDM Climate Actions on World Migratory Bird Day 2017

Birds are experiencing impacts of climate change. This past weekend, 13-14 May 2017, is the time to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2017. With the 2017 theme "Their Future is our Future", WMBD throws light on the topic of "Sustainable Development for Wildlife and People", as migratory birds and other species share the same planet and thus the same limited resources with human beings. The 2017 campaign aims at raising awareness on the need for a sustainable management of our natural resources, demonstrating that birds conservation is also crucial for the future of humankind.

Bird Art Flash Mob

Organized by the Bird Whisperer Project (https://www.facebook.com/birdwhisperer.project/), this event is a social media flash-mob of bird art by artists from across the world on the theme of migratory birds. It is open to all, and anyone who wishes to participate beyond today's post is welcome to send a .jpg of their art to [email protected] to get added to that group post.

Celebrations of world Migratory Bird Day, 2017 at Mida Creek

This Saturday 13th May 2017 is unique as we join hands to celebrate Migratory Bird Day.

Since it's happening in one of Kenya's high rated IBA, a combination of activities has been considered. The activities will include Bird Walks for both terrestrial, mangroves, mud flats and beaches. Bird Banding demonstrations and its essence, plays on bird migration, drawing competitions between invited schools and final speeches from invited guest.

World Migratory Bird Day -2017

Like last 5 years, Nature Study and Conservation Club, Department of Zoology, Jagannath University is going to celebrate the world migratory bird day. However, 10th May is national holiday in Bangladesh. To get the more audience in the program the organizing comittee decide to celebrate the day on 9th May this year instead of 10. The program is going to be celebrated in the zoology department auditorium of Jagannath University.


Events detail:

Célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateursà El Haouaria.

A l'occasion de la célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs, l'association tunisienne d'éducation environnementale et de conservation des ressources naturelles (ATEECREN) en partenariat avec le club d'enfants de Haouaria ont organisé le 6 mai 2017, une manifestation écologique  comportant :
- des ateliers d'animation sur les oiseaux en Tunisie (identification, répartition, migration)
- un concours avec remise de prix
- une séance d'observation du phénomène de la migration au centre ornithologique de Sidi Ameur.

Cuentacuentos y Taller ”Volar como golondrinas”

A través de un cuentacuentos y un taller, los participantes podrán volar con la imaginación para conocer los largos viajes de aves migratorias como las golondrinas, que anidan cada año en nuestros balcones. Observaciones: Necesaria inscripción previa en el teléfono 968 178 139 Actividad accesible para personas con movilidad reducida.


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