
World Migratory Bird Day Address from Tykee James

Please join Sinnissippi Audubon as we celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with Tykee James.

Tykee James joined the National Audubon Society as Government Affairs Coordinator in December of 2018. His background is highlighted with experience as an environmental educator, community organizer, and environmental policy advisor in his hometown, Philadelphia.

Birds & Biodiversity

A weeklong online series focusing on the need to consere wetlands and allow birds the freedom to fly and thereby save our biodiversity

Bird Watching 2 Digital Art Show by Fatma Kadir

Fatma Kadir’s digital art show “Bird Watching 2” commemorates Biodiversity in Birds which are important plant pollinators and seed dispersers.

Bird Watching by Fatma Kadir

Fatma Kadir’s digital art show “Bird Watching 2” commemorates Biodiversity in Birds which are important plant pollinators and seed dispersers.

Limpieza del Humedal de Chacarita, Puntarenas

Limpieza del humedal de Chacarita, ecosistema vital para aves en la provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica, actualmente se encuentra muy afectado por la mala gestión de residuos sólidos y aguas residuales.

Realizaremos una limpieza de plasticos para asegurar un buen habitat para las aves residentes y migratorias.

Atelier Teymur Rzayev First Digital Climate Change Art Show



The inspiration behind the theme of the art show was a culmination of the body of work of like-minded Climate Change Artists at Atelier Teymur Rzayev that corresponded to the issues Selva Ozelli raised/addressed in her Climate Change based article series:

Birdwatching at Barvi Dam, Maharashtra, India

Birdwatching event planned at Barvi Dam, Near Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Also we will be writing an article in Maharashtra Times Newspaper about migrants.

Virtual eco-tourist tour in Ghar El Melh

Birdwatching and eco-tourism "go hand in hand" and when migratory birds are "on the menu" it becomes really interesting. Let us take you for an eco-tourism tour organized by the Association "Les Amis des Oiseaux" (AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia) and its local partners within the framework of the GEMWET project in Ghar El Melh.

Sebkhet Sejoumi Virtual Migratory Bird Race

Staff and members of Association "Les Amis des Oiseaux" (AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia) love birds and love to see as many of them as possible and ideally many differents species. Sebkhet Sejoumi is exactly the urban wetland that allows you to see many migratory (water) bird species in one place. On the 17th of October a small team of AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia field observers will share with you virtually what they see during a half day survey visit in this Ramsar wetland.


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