
Bicicleteando y Pajareando

Se realizó actividad de observación de aves mediante el deporte del ciclismo. Una forma de divulgar y motivar al rubro de ciclistas en el tema de conservación de las aves migratorias. Se llevó a cabo tips para identificación de aves y tambiên charla educativa sobre el tema de conservación DMAM 2022. El material educativo fue clave para compartir con ellos la información sobre la contaminación de luz artificial y el impacto a las aves que migran de noche.

Observación del cielo nocturno

Mujeres y Naturaleza junto a la Asociación Salvadoreña de Astronomía llevará a cabo una actividad de observación del cielo nocturno donde se observarán las estrellas y la luna. Durante esta actividad se hará una charla educativa sobre el impacto de la contaminación por luz en la migración de las aves  y también cómo afecta en la observación de las estrellas. 


El Bioparque Urbano y la Oficina de Juventudes del GAMT, invitan al público en general al Concurso de Fotografía denominado “Aves de mi ciudad” Versión 2.0, en honor al Dia Mundial de las Aves migratorias "Noches Oscuras, Migraciones Seguras" dicho concurso se realizará del 21 al 28 de octubre de la presente gestión.

Migratory Birdwatching - ProAves

ProAves will be hosting a Birdwatching activity for the local community to increase awarness and share how individuals, communities, and governments can take to reduce the impact of light pollution.

Yellow-eared Parrot and Migratory Bird Festival - ProAves

ProAves will hold the Yellow-eared Parrot and Migratory Bird Festival at Jardín, Antioquia. Some of the activities will be an academic forum, educational activities at the central park and a bridwarching field trip. 

Celabration of the World Migratory Bird Day - ProAves

ProAves will celebrate among all Falan comunity the World Migratory Bird Day. We will be making an artistic mural with some migratory species, a workshop of cardboard masks with kids and other activities to increase awarness. 


WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY 2022 CAMPAIGN by GREEN CARE SOCIETY INDIA on IMPACTS OF LIGHT POLLUTION FOR BIRDS from 08 - 22 October 2022 through online and offline conferences, webinars, competitions, awerness and awards. Dr. VISHWANATH PANIGRAHI, Founder & President, Green Care Society India. Mr. AMUJURI BISWANATH, Director & COO, Green Care Society India.

Flyway Heroes Night walk

Flyway Heroes will be hosting a night walk in the beautiful Canadian Rockies. This little adventure presents a unique opportunity to immerse into nature under the blanket of darkness. We will discuss the importance of dark skies for humans and our fellow species, with particular reference to migratory birds. With a bit of luck, we might encounter some birds of the night to add to our tally of this year’s Global Big Day bird count.

This event is happening October 8, 2022, from 8pm-930pm in Canmore, Alberta

Eco-Friends Wildlife Photography and Art Exhibition

Eco-friends Wildlife and art exhibition-
Wildlife Photography and Art Exhibition, a unique initiative of 45 wildlife photographers from 10 different districts of Gujarat, is organized by the Eco-Friends group of Gujarat from 6th to 11th October 2022. The exhibition is showcased at a prominent place among the artist's community of Gujarat - The Ravishankar Raval Kala Bhavan. A total of 185 wildlife photographs and five sketches are showcased in two art galleries.

Come to Arrábida and celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day

On Saturday, October 8, 2022, from 10 am to noon, come to Parque Ambiental do Alambre (Alambre Environmental Park), in Arrábida Nature Park, to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day. Come and meet a fantastic group of birds that travel thousands of kilometres, some of which spend part of their lives in Portugal.


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