
Exploring the Birds of Costa Rica's Rancho Naturalista

Join naturalist and artist Christine Elder for a free, live, online event in celebration of Global Big Day and World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 14th at 8:00 AM CST.  We’ll be broadcasting from Costa Rica’s premier birdwatching lodge; Rancho Naturalista, where we’ll be sharing our observations of birds as we explore the lodge grounds.

This mid-elevation forest region east of San Jose boasts over 400 species of resident and migratory birds.

Perfect Balance in Wild Nature - Art Show by Gunsu Saracoglu

Nature stands in a perfect balance. Every living thing is fed as much as it needs to eat and continues its life with waste at a level that the soil or air can tolerate. However, the damage done by man is far beyond the tolerance of nature. In my paintings, I try to explain the chaos created by the human desire to dominate every field from past to present. Our roots are in nature, as the natural structure of nature is destroyed including by light pollution.

WMBD at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Join the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in celebrating the wonder of migratory birds. Learn about the impact of light pollution on our feathered friends and find out what you can do to help.

Migratory Bird Day at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

The International Dark-Sky Association recognizes Hagerman NWR as a dark sky community; we will be hosting a  2 part full-day event on May 14th. The event will be hosted by three teams collaborating, including staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas Bluestem Master Naturalists, and The Friends of Hagerman.

Part 1: Meet at the refuge in the multipurpose event room at 10 am CST for hands-on educational activities and programming covering migratory birds and their relationship with the night sky.

Papay Beach (litter) Clean & bird counts

A small group of mainly young folk carried out a 'bag the bruck' (collecting litter) event from beaches and shorelines of Papa Westray, whilst a bird count of the island also take place the following weekend. Over 20 bags of beach litter were collected for disposal, including discarded fishing gear, plastic of various forms and even a helmet! While out collecting rubbish, a beautiful flock of Whooper Swans flew in from the sea, just arriving from Iceland, and landed on the island's main loch.

Protecting Lotus Wetlands' Ecosystem for Combined Benifits of Sustainable Livelihoods and Breeding Waders

Chinese people love lotus roots as a delicacy. Hubei Province produces a majority of China's lotus roots, and the industry is worth billions of yuan to the local economy. Lotus fields not only provide farmers with sustainable livelihoods, but also serve as important breeding habitats for birds.

CANCELLED Trækfugledag på Rungstedlund

CANCELLED due to Covid-19

AFLYST pga. Covid-19

Vi håber på at vi kan afholde eventet på et senere tidspunkt, dog falder dette så ikke sammen med den Internationale Trækfugledag.



Karen Blixen Museum inviterer til et stort program i Fuglereservatet på Rungstedlund i anledning af International Trækfugledag under temaet ”Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Bird”. Der kan købes mad og drikke hos Madam Carlsens. Vi håber I også vil besøge museet, der genåbner 8. maj med ombygget café og butik, ny udstilling om Blixens Pagter og meget mere.

Seeing Birds Through the Eyes of an Artist (webinar)

Join this Bird Day event from the comfort of your own home!

Graphic artist, Kim Russell combines research and inspiration to capture the essence of each bird she depicts.

Gain a wealth of fascinating facts about birds' biology in this free, interactive webinar with Kim's original artwork as a backdrop.

Sponsored by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

Copy and paste the website address below to register for this free Zoom presentation




World Migratory Bird Day Address from Tykee James

Please join Sinnissippi Audubon as we celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with Tykee James.

Tykee James joined the National Audubon Society as Government Affairs Coordinator in December of 2018. His background is highlighted with experience as an environmental educator, community organizer, and environmental policy advisor in his hometown, Philadelphia.

Birds & Biodiversity

A weeklong online series focusing on the need to consere wetlands and allow birds the freedom to fly and thereby save our biodiversity


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