
Día Mundial de las Aves Migratoria - World Migratory Bird Day

Charla sobre las aves migratorias y su importancia como Indicadora de ambientes sanos.
Pelicula: Una historia de Viajeras.
Salida de campo a observar aves en la Reserva Hemisferica para Aves Playeras Migratorias, Costa Atlántica.

Presentation on the importance of migratory birds species and their role as indicators for a healthy environment.
Movie: A history of travellers.
Excursion to bird reserve and observing Atlantic coast shorebirds.

FORIS- Migratory bird day

We are planning to conduct bird watching activities in the lower hills of western ghats and distributing flyers in the regional language Tamil, to inform about the importance of migratory birds.

Awareness Campaign in the villages & schools nearby wetland habitats

The awareness campaign will be carried out by showing the local people clippings and powerpoint presentations, highlighting the importance of wetland habitats. The nature lovers and school children will be taken to the nearby wetlands for practical observations. The study and observations on the potential threats will be carried out involving a local team.
Further more there is a Bird Race at two
locations of Rajasthan i.e. Bharatpur & Udaipur and slide shows.
The local media will cover the event.

WMBD: Birdwatching and Bird Photography

In conjunction with World Migratory Bird Day on 10th and 11th of May, MNS Miri has invited an uber bird photographer and birdwatching specialist Choo Tse Chien to Miri to lead bird watching trips, present a slideshow and talk as well as dispense tips and general advice on bird photography. We will also go birdwatching and go thru the basics of bird photography at Similajau National Park, Bintulu and Lambir Hills National Park, Miri.

Birdwatching in Bahia Bustamante

Bahía Bustamante is a seaside village entirely surrounded by nature. It is located on the northern arch of San Jorge Gulf, an area characterised by its relevant biological biodiversity. There are few places in the world that house such an amount and diversity of seabirds and marine mammals.

The coast of Bahía Bustamante has the greatest diversity of seabirds in all Patagonia. There are 21 breeding colonies, made up of around one to seven seabird species.

Mai Po Public Visit

WWF-HK offers a special discount for the Mai Po public visit tour in order to celebrate WMBD 2010.

Mai Po is located on the northwestern corner of Hong Kong, the Deep Bay wetland complex is among Asia's finest locations for wetland biodiversity. The complex spans some 2,700 hectares and is home to diverse habitats supporting a wide range of species, and is a renowned haven for migratory birds.

WMBD celebrations in Kosovo

The organisation FINCH will implement a WMBD event for the first time in Kosovo. We are planning to have a meeting in the centre of the city of Prizren, the second biggest city in Kosovo. Preparations are underway to organize the same meeting in the capital city of Kosovo, Prishtina.
The WMBD activity will include birdwatching sessions at the river of Drini where different kinds of migratory birds can be seen.
The event aims to make people aware for the protection of migratory birds.

Wings Over Weston

A day of bird hikes, demonstrations, booths, games, music, food, and live birds from Operation Wildlife. Tents and booths will be based at the overlook and shelter areas of the park.

Open to the general public 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free of charge.

With the purpose of raising awareness of the region as an Important Bird Area (IBA) - which is an area of importance to birds that breed here, or depend on the available food and shelter during migration.

Bengal Florican Survey and Awareness

We are conducting surveys of Bengal Florican in three grasslands sites, namely in: Khauraha Phanta, Lamkauli Phanta and Baghaura Phanta.

Moreover, talks with the press are planned. We will also disseminate knowledge on this issue through our radio programme.

Birdwatching and Awareness Raising on Migratory Birds

In Koshi Tappu, Himalayan Nature will be carrying out birdwatching activities for local communities and talking about the importance of threatened migratory birds for a healthy ecosystem.

Another group will conduct bird surveys in the grasslands north of Koshi Tappu in search of Bengal Floricans, the critically endangered migratory bird species found in Nepal.

In Sukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve, similar programmes will be conducted with the help of nature guide association and the Reserve authority. Sukla Phanta is the largest stronghold of the Bengal Florican in Nepal.


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