
Fiesta del Desierto

Saltillo, Coahuila, México, near to Valle de Texas.

We offer birdwatching tours in our State Coahuila.
We have a lot of interesting bird species like Marron Fronted Parrot (endangered specie here in Mexico), or the Worthen´s Sparrow, as well as butterflies, amphibians, reptils, dragonflyes, mammals, etc.

World Migratory Bird Day

Ecoturave makes these donated activities with the goal to protect birds in Venezuela. These activities will take place in Bolivar state, the sponsor is Bolivar Environment Officers.

Our team has to fligh to Ciudad Bolívar in order to celebrate the most important migratory bird day of the year and of course we are all bird lovers!

World Migratory Birds Day 2008

The small fishing village of Parit Jawa in the southern state of Johor has something special - the Lesser Adjutant (about 40), which feed in the mudflats of the estuary. The event will be lead by the Johor Tourism Action Council and will be assisted by the Forestry Dept., Wildlife Dept., Johor State Parks Corporation (PTNJ) and the Malaysian Nature Society, Johor Branch will act as the Secretariat.

The local community of Parit Jawa with the village heads of the nearby villages will also help as well as the Muar City Council.

WMBD 2008 Activities in Cameroon

Television, radio and newspaper interviews on climate change issues, highlighting the global effects of climate change using the results of recent scientific research and report. Experts like some University Dons and officials in the Ministries of the Forestry and Wildlife and Environment and Nature Protection will be invited.

Banpaku Park Birdwatching Field Tour for WMBD (World Exposition Site in 1970)

In Banpaku Park (Old World Exposition Site in 1970) a Birdwatching Field Tour will take place to promote migratory birds and their conservation as well as World Migratory Bird Day.

Meeting Place and time: At Banpaku Memorial Park Station of Osaka Monorail, at 9:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Bule-and-White Flycatcher, Narcissus Flycatcher,
Blown-eared Bulbul and White-cheeked Starling might be seen.

Field Ornithology Class

Our spring Field Ornithology class will meet on its regular Saturday outing at a local farm to observe birds of the season. We shall celebrate the biodiversity of birds.
Instructor: Daniel Bieker

Bird counting and identification around Arusha

A group of guided courses and invited bird friends will travel within the Arusha region and set up camps for the event. Bird identification will be carried out and in the end we will count migratory birds observed and identified. The field work will include among other things assessments on habitats/environments in the areas we have visited and worked in.

Sterne, gabbiani e fenicotteri (Terns, Gulls and Flamingos)

This activity consists of a walk along the southern side of Valle di Comacchio. It is possible to watch many Terns and Gulls on their nest sites, among pinkish and brownish spots: flamingos and migrating waders.

World Migration Bird Day 2008 - Gargano Italy

Day event for the study and knowledge of migration of birds in the great hot-spot of Gargano.

West Midland Bird Club: Kidderminster Branch Field Trip

An early morning walk. Meet(by prior arrangemnt, please) at the Dry Mill Lane car park (SO777755). Our walk should provide both sight and sound of all of the newly arrived woodland species including warblers, Pied Flycatchers, Redstarts and Tree Pipits.


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