
West Midland Bird Club: Birmingham Branch Field Trip

An outing by coach, from Birmingham to mid-Wales. Organsied by the West Midland Bird Club's Birmingham Branch.

For further information please visit the website.

Warbler Workshop

This is a field workshop for members of the Cambridgeshire Bird Club and the RSPB as well as the interested public with the aim to learn about migratory warblers and their identification.

World Migratory Bird Day in Zoo Zagreb

Interactive presentation for children about bird migration and records in bird world
workshop: care of orphaned, sick or injured birds by wildlife care veterinarian
presentation of activities of protected areas important for migratory birds throughout Croatia; educational games & handicrafts for children; public awareness poll;
educational stops for raising public awareness of conservation problems of migratory birds flyways.

World Migratory Birding

This year World Migratory Bird Day was celebrated from 10-11 May 08. On Sat 10, a group of 17 members from Nature Kenya did a trip for birding along the Magadi road, sorry that no migrants were seen on this day.

Our first stop was at Icross junction. Here species seen included Eastern Chanting Goshawk, Green-winged Pytilia, Short-tailed Lark, 3 species of Whydahs Straw-tailed / Pin-tailed and Eastern Paradise Whydah.

Urban Birds in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico

In the activity participants will have the opportunity to learn about urban birds in the town of Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. It's organized by the Comite Caborrojenos Pro Salud y Ambiente, and is part of the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF)of the SCSCB, and organized in Puerto Rico by the Puerto Rican Ornithological Society (Sociedad Ornitologica Puertorriquena, Inc., SOPI)

Pedestrian trail to see birds

Birdwatching tour from Serra da Boa Viagem (Chapel of St. Amaro, New Lighthouse) to the Cape Mondego (House of the Mushrooms) and return. Observation of birds from the forest, scrub or sea during the tour. Stop for lunch will be on special place at the coast where it is possible to observe cetaceans.

For more information, please visit:

See birds in Serra da Estrela

The area is classified as Important Bird Area (IBA), due to the occurrence of many endangered species such as the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), the Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus) or the Red-billed Cough(Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax).

This activity is organized by the Center for Interpretation of Serra da Estrela (CISE)/City of Seia, with the support of SPEA.

Bird ringing session

SPEA offers birdwatching of shorebirds at the Salinas of Morraceira as well as ringing activities.
For further information please visit link below.

Boat trip on Tejo river

SPEA will organise a boat trip on the Tejo river connected with bird watching activities. The program includes:

10.00-12.30: Catamaran boat ride from the doors of Ródão until the village of Fishermen, stop for birdwatching
13h00-14h30: Lunch at the restaurant Valley Mourao, in the village of Foz do Cabrão
14.30-17.00: Birdwatching excursion on land

For more information please visit:

The Pelican Travel

On the small hill of Krina just on the opposite side of the Dalmatian and Great White Pelican colonies the SPP will organize birdwatching activities and educational games for the schoolchildren and visitors of the area.


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