
WMBD Birding Trip to Chupak

In conjunction with World Migratory Bird Day 2010, MNS Kuching Branch Bird Group will be organizing a bird watching trip to Kg. Chupak on 9 May 2010 (Sunday).

One of the nearest and most extensive rice fields around Kuching area, Kg. Chupak/Skudup attract great number of migratory and wetland birds.A number of interesting sightings have come out of the area including Sand Martin (1st record for Borneo for nearly a century), Greater Painted-Snipe (1st for Sarawak), Red-necked Phalarope, Blue-breasted Quail, Black-winged Stilt and Chinese Pond Heron.

"100 species in a day"

A 12 hours long birdwatching trip with the aim to contact, by sight or voice, up to 100 species of birds. Last year on 9 May, we checked 97.

Awarness Creation

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority(EWCA) has finalized its preparation to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on 9 May 2010 at Abijata Shala Lakes National Park which is 220 kms away from Addis Ababa,the capital city of Ethiopia.

The programme will be opened with a speech that describes the main activities performed to conserve different bird species.
Secondly, a short speech on critically endangered migratory birds will be held.
Another brief speech will be presented on the potential of the park in connection with migratory birds.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2010 - World Migratory Bird Day 2010

Salida de iniciación a la observación de las aves para la comunidad.

This year's event involves birdwatching activities. Participants will be supported by guides

WMBD in WWF Italy Oases

World Migratory Bird Day 2010

During the second weekend of May, WWF Oasi will be participating at the World Migratory Bird Day campaign with guided visits to the nature reserves.

Many of the WWF Italy Oases (more than 100 spread across the country) lie on the main migration routes and offer excellent opportunities for the observation of migrating birds.

South African Birding Championships


The annual championships will be divided into 3 contests running over a 4 month period each.

At the end of each 4 month contest, the contestant with the highest *bird count will be awarded with a grand prize of R3000!

In January 2011, the SA Birding Champion 2010 will be announced, i.e. the contestant with the highest *bird count for 2010, and will also be awarded with a prize of R3000!


Contest 1: until – 30 April 2010 (closed)

Excursion ornithologique pour observer les oiseaux migrateurs à dans la région d'EL HAOUARIA - Ornithological excursion to observe the migratory birds in the region of El Haouaria

52 instituteurs et institutrices de la région de Gabès sont invités à participer à une excursion ornithologique afin d'observer plusieurs espèces d'oiseaux migrateurs qui empruntent la voie de migration passant par le Cap Bon et plus précisément par El Haouaria, la dernière halte migratoire, lors du retour vers l'Europe.

Workshop on Bird-Watching and Digiscoping

The Ria of Burgo is a zone of high ornithological value. In addition, the seafront allows crowds of people to come around the Ria in order to enjoy the landscape, take walks and of course watch seabirds!

Digiscoping is a new technique to capture pictures by setting a digital camera to a terrestrial telescope, using its power of magnification. This represents an advantage for photographing exlusive species, avoiding much of the difficulties that imply when having to approach them with the conventional equipment.

Routes of spring: geese festival

At least 45 teachers and youth from St.Petersburg will visit farmlands in Olonets region during the time of geese spring migration stop-over to look at the outstanding natural beauty of this site.

The spring aggregations of geese and other migrating waterfowl species on the Olonets fields are the largest in Europe. The reasons for this are the rich forage that vast farmland offers, and availability of overnight shelter on Ladoga Lake and nearby wetlands.


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