
Madagascar Birdwatching event

During the last 10 years QMM and Birdlife International have organised birdwatching events to increase awareness on biodiversity loss in Madagascar.

This year's birdwatching event will be celebrated in November 2010 and an additional event will be organised especially for migratory birds.
There will be a birdwatching event at Ehoala beach, a film projection at school and a presentation for QMM employees.

Awareness on Migratory Birds to Schools

As we did last year, letters of invitation will be sent to schools for students to come and register for a birdwatching tour and an educational activity on migratory birds.

They will be educated on the importance of birds and migratory birds in particular. Additionally, as this year's theme promotes, they will be taught about the need to save those who are Globally Threatened.

A free film on Birds Migration at Nguuni Nature Sanctuary - Mombasa

This year's event starts with a morning bird walk at the sanctuary wetland with members of the Nguuni Young Birder's Club & members of the public followed by a talk by Kelvin Mazera, the Resident Bird Guide and club patron at the centre's auditorium.

Day 2 begins with an afternoon film (David Attenborough's series on Migration at the centre's auditorium).


This year's event involves birdwatching activities in order to "save migratory birds in crisis - every species counts!"

Jornadas para salvar las aves migratorias - World Migratory Bird Day to save migratory birds in crisis!

Trabajos de concientización en escuelas y colegios de la provincia de Mendoza. Charlas en Institutos de Educación Terciaria y Universidades.
Observaciones a campo en la Red de áreas protegidas de la provincia de Mendoza.
Birdwatching con estudiantes avanzados, en principales lagunas que alojan aves migradoras.
Elaboración de cuadernillos,afiches y trípticos relacionados con WMBD 2010.

World Migratory Bird Day 2010 focuses on globally threatened migratory birds : Events in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Malaysian Nature Society Miri Branch is celebrating World Migratory Bird Day for the third consecutive year.

This year we have invited Mr Khoo Swee Seng, from the MNS Raptor Study Group, to give a talk and slideshow on migrating raptors. Together with the Miri Branch Bird Group, Seng will be leading members of the public and students to two scheduled birdwatching outings. The event is a collaboration with Sarawak State Library Miri Branch.

Uscita al canto

On 9th May, Oasi Zegna (a protected area in Piedmont, in the province of Biella), provides birdwatching of migratory birds lead by the ornitholigist Lucio Bordignon in Bielmonte. Participants will learn more about different bird species and how to observe them in their natural habitas in a magic moment, that is when birdsong are more frequent.

Time schedule: Meeting at 10 a.m. at Bocchetto Sessera, 2km from Bilemonte. Then, a 8km long excursion to Montuccia Alp and Artignana. The activity will end at 3 or 4 p.m.. Minimum age is 6 years.

Aves de Jujuy - Birds of Jujuy

Salimos a Lagunas andinas en Jujuy para registrar especies migradoras. Dimos charlas a público en general sobre la importancia de proteger hábitat para las aves migradoras.

Activities for WMBD 2010: Workshops and Capacity Building for the local communities about the conservation of ecosystems and migratory birds.

World Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo

There will be activities all around Kosovo with a main event in Prishtina, the capital of our country. In cooperation with the Environmental Ministry of Kosovo and other NGO Environmental Organizations there a meeting in Prishtina will be organised in the centre of the city. This includes a photo exhibition, organized by "Finch" at AUK (American University of Kosova) as well as birdwatching activities at the outscirts of the city.

The second day will also offer birdwatching experiences at Dragashi Municipality, trying to find migratory birds that breed at a famous lake of Brezne.

Crabbs Prairie Community Bird Watching

Bird Watching (documenting) in our community of Crabbs Prairie, Texas.


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