
A Walkabout for Nature

For this year's World Migratory Bird Day, Natures Encounters has planned to record bird species and their numbers

Un aplauso para las aves viajeras - Applause for migratory birds

This year's WMBD event involves a photo exhibition of birds in the Humedal de la Desembocadura del Rio Lluta, a nature-sanctuary in the city.

Moreover, educational talks about bird banding will be held.

Campagne pour la conservation de l'habitat du héron bihoreau sur le lac Nokoué - Campaign for the conservation of the night heron's habitat at lake Nokoué

Sô-Ava est un village situé à une vingtaine de kilomètre au nord de Cotonou (capitale économique du Bénin). Ce village est bâti sur un vaste complexe fluvio-lagunaire édifié par la rivière Sô et la lac Nokoué qui est le plus grand plan d’eau lacustre du Bénin en communication directe avec l’océan Atlantique. C’est un site Ramsar (zone 1018).

Migratory Birds Week

This year's event includes a photo competition as well as various other competitions and also birdwatching activities.

Furthermore, media related to migratory birds will be present and discussions on this topic are planned.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

Two main activities are scheduled:

1. The event will start with a conference, which includes a debate on the main issues that migratory birds are facing (8/5/2010).

2.A field trip at Kigwena Forest Reserve along Lake Tanganyika shore will be organised in order to show some evidences on the current issues.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebrations


Friday 7th May 2010
Migratory Masquerade @ the Mucky Duck R100 per person
(Make your own migratory bird mask and join us for an evening of fun and laughter)

Saturday 8th May
Kids Programme (ages 6-15)
Learning to identify birds
Global Journeys Game

Sunday 9th May
Team (4 max) bird watching
Prize giving @ the Country Inn

Kristi 0832270128 or [email protected]

Celebrating Migratory Birds in Tunisia

As in previous years, celebrations for World Migratory Bird Day, organized by the Association ‹‹Les Amis des Oiseaux›› (AAO), the BirdLife Partner in Tunisia, are running over the period from April to May.

AAO and its national partners started with a National Bird Migration Camp at the Important Bird Area (IBA) TN004 Jebel El Haouaria (also known as Jebel Sidi Abiod) on the Cape Bon from 3 to 11 April 2010.

Puerto Rico Birdwatching

Students from different private and public schools around the Island will participate in a birdwatching event. They will receive information about migratory birds with the aim to celebrate and highlight the need to protect them!

WMBD in Asturias

This year's event involves the exposition of stamp collections related to birds, posters about migration routes in Europe and photos of migratory birds.

There will be a birdwatching event at Ria de Aviles (Aviles stuary) on 8/9 May 2010.

Children have the possibility to participate in a guided tour to the exposition.

Furthermore, conferences at two collgeges are planned and a presentation with local authorities and media will be held.


This year's event involves Birdwatching activities on 20 May 2010. They will proceed after the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) 2010 - a regional programme to promote public participation to monitor the distribution and populations of waterbirds and the status of wetlands - in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Location details:

Pantai Air Mati, Pematang Gadung, Pantai Sungai


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