
World Migratory Bird Day celebrated throughout Ecuador

The Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment has submitted 11 events that will be celebrated throughout the country. Events will take place in: Antisana, Bolivar, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Loya, Los Rios, Napo, Sta. Elena, Sto. Domingo and Zamora.

For more information of each single event, please check the attached event descriptions.

World Migratory Bird Day

Koshi, east Nepal-13 to 16 May 2011 WMBD will be marked by a survey in the Dharan Forests (an Important Bird Area)and will be connected with the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (Nepal's first Ramsar Site and another Important Bird Area).

On 13 May a raptor survey of Koshi Tappu with a focus on vultures will be conducted.

In Lumbini(Important Bird Area), central Nepal, on 13 May a bird survey will be organised by the Lumbini Development Trust. The place is the birth place of Lord Buddha and a World Heritage Site.

The flight of the birds is in danger – every year the earth changes

As part of WMBD, the Israel Nature & Parks Authority invites the public to participate in experiential mark for migratory birds;"Endangered bird - the Earth is changing every year"! - Program including: guided tours, information station on migratory birds, birding quiz, bird photo exhibition, bird ringing by a qualified ornithologist, poster competition awards carries family. At 13:00hrs: release of rehabilitated birds from the Wildlife Hospital – Common & Honny Buzzards.
Guided tours will be held at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00; Ringing will be done until 11:00.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebrations in Macedonia

Programme activities were carried out on 14 and 15 May 2011. Departments of environment and nature in municipalities and the City of Skopje were proponents of the activities on Saturday and Sunday. Activities on local level were organized in protected areas, regional parks, pick-nick sites, by rivers, accumulations, lakes and wetlands.
Volunteers of non-governmental organizations distributed to visitor’s information materials (brochures, posters) with relevant information on migratory birds, especially species threatened at global, regional and local levels.

Celebra con SEO/BirdLife el WMBD 2011 - Celebrate WMBD 2011 with SEO/BirdLife

Puntos de observación de aves en espacios naturales y otras actividades: cursos, maratón ornitológico, feria y festival.

Spots for bird watching in natural areas and other activities: bird courses, ornithological marathon, exhibition and festivals.

Birdwatching at Lake Tüskendör / Vogelbeobachtung am Tüskendör-See

Start: 15.00h / Beginn: 15.00Uhr
Duration: ca. 1,5h / Dauer: ca. 1,5 Stunden
Fee: adults 4€, youths 2€ / Gebühr: Erw. 4€, Jugend 2€

Discover the fascinating variety of birds at Lake Tüskendör, a sweet water lake right behind the dike on the Wadden Sea island of Borkum. Please bring along binoculars if available.

Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Vogelvielfalt am Tüskendör-See direkt hinter dem Deich auf der Wattenmeerinsel Borkum. Vorhandene Ferngläser bitte mitbringen.

World Migratory Bird Day in Uganda

Nature Uganda is organising a boat trip with canoes on lake Victoria. This will be an excellent opportunity to watch migratory birds at this important site.

Celebration of WMBD

This WMBD event in Egypt includes birdwatching campaigns, school visits to do some eductional activities and to distribute information materials and also news paper press releases.

JMOM 2011

Pendant les deux jours, Asity Madagascar avec ses partenaires locaux vont entreprendre une campagne de sensibilisation suivant le thème 2011.

L'événement aura lieu dans les trois sites d’interventions de l’Asity Madagascar (La Nouvelle Aire Protégée de Mahavavy-Kinkony, La Nouvelle Aire Protégée de Mangoky-Ihotry et la Nouvelle Aire Protégée de Tsitongambarika.
Des différentes activités auront lieu pendant les deux jours: Carnaval, Birdwatching, Exposition et Projection des films.

Jornadas Sobre el Uso de las Tierras a Vista de Pajaro - Workshops on Land Use from a Bird's-eye View

Realización de charlas de concientización en escuelas, colegios e Instituciones educativas de la provincia de Mendoza.
Salidas a terreno para identificar sitios modificados por el ser humano que tienen efecto directo sobre las poblaciones de aves migratorias. Jornada junto a estudiantes con la finalidad de toma de conciencia. Realización de folletería referente a la temática.
Clases públicas de concientización dirigida a todo público, en todo el territorio de la provincia de Mendoza.


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