
JMOM 2011

Pendant les deux jours, Asity Madagascar avec ses partenaires locaux vont entreprendre une campagne de sensibilisation suivant le thème 2011.

L'événement aura lieu dans les trois sites d’interventions de l’Asity Madagascar (La Nouvelle Aire Protégée de Mahavavy-Kinkony, La Nouvelle Aire Protégée de Mangoky-Ihotry et la Nouvelle Aire Protégée de Tsitongambarika.
Des différentes activités auront lieu pendant les deux jours: Carnaval, Birdwatching, Exposition et Projection des films.

Jornadas Sobre el Uso de las Tierras a Vista de Pajaro - Workshops on Land Use from a Bird's-eye View

Realización de charlas de concientización en escuelas, colegios e Instituciones educativas de la provincia de Mendoza.
Salidas a terreno para identificar sitios modificados por el ser humano que tienen efecto directo sobre las poblaciones de aves migratorias. Jornada junto a estudiantes con la finalidad de toma de conciencia. Realización de folletería referente a la temática.
Clases públicas de concientización dirigida a todo público, en todo el territorio de la provincia de Mendoza.

Birdwatching, awareness raising activities & media event at Loktak Lake

On the occassion of WMBD 2011, the media should be sensitized for WMBD and migratory birds at Imphal. Another part of the programme will be awareness raising activities addressing students and young school children around the peripherial areas of the Loktak Lake, which will be followed by birdwatching activities and a photo competition.

Birdwatching in Dana

Casual get together of all interested in birdwatching in Jordan. Those who can make it will meet at Dana Nature Reserve near Dana village and walk into Al-Barrah forest, the only breeding site of the Syiran Serin in Jordan and through the orchards of Dana village. A visit to Wadi Dana in the early morning to watch some of the breeding raptors, and then, when it becomes warmer, we can expect to observe good numbers of honey buzzards and levant sparrow hawks. Migrant passerines are also expected, e.g. Masked shrike and some other late migrants.

Phulchauki Bird Count

Friendsofbird (FoB) is organising a one day birdwatching to count the birds that can be found and seen in Abobe area. Participants will be students and birdwatchers.

World Migratory Bird Day 2012 celebrated in Namibia

This WMBD event will include the following activities:

  • Printing bird-related flyers, stickers and T-shirts
  • Bird-watching activities
  • Recording of early morning bird sounds

Birds - Friends of fishermen

Green habitat is an organisation for the conservation of biodiversity in Chavakkad Thaluk in the area of Kerala, India. Every October migratory birds visit the Pavaratty mangrove area and the area of Chavakkad Beach and Enammakal Kole land.
This year we will conduct a workshop for school children in those areas and a bird watching camp for fishermen.

Beach Clean-up and bird count

The beach clean-ups are a weekly event over the summer. Organized by K's path and en.V (former animal rescue organization and the latter an environmental NGO) with two main sponsors.
Purpose is to clean up the beaches along the migratory bird route in Kuwait.
Since two weeks I am with a group of volunteers and as an amateur birder recording the birds and cleaning up the beach.


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