
Acción Scout por los Humedales Pantanos de Villa - Scout Action in the Wetlands Pantanos de Villa

Nuestro Programa Anual de Actividades en los Humedales Pantanos de Villa, en el Marco del Convenio que la Asociación Scouts del Perú tiene con PROHVILLA (Organismo descentralizado de la Municipalidad de Lima que vela por la Protección del Sitio RAMSAR Humedales Pantanos de Villa, Refugio de Vida Silvestre y lugar de descanso para Aves Residentes y Migratorias), incluye una variedad de talleres educativos, actividades de servicio, Campamento para muchach@s (ECOCAMP), Concurso de Fotografía Ambientalista, Salidas de Campo para observar aves de los Humedales Pantanos de Villa y otras áreas den

Observación des Aves en el Embalse de Santomera y Rambla Salada - Birdwatching in the Santomera and Rambla Salada Reservoir

Los voluntarios ambientales de la asociación invitan a todo el público en general a asistir a esta actividad de observación e identificación de aves acuáticas. El embalse de Santomera es el de mayor salinidad de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Segura, lo que le aporta un alto valor ecológico. Sin embargo las transformaciones agrícolas de la cuenca hacia los regadíos intensivos se traducen en una alta aportación de nutrientes fosfatos y nitratos, que modifican su vegetación subacuática y aumentan la eutrofización. Las aves actuan como bioindicadoras de la calidad ecológica del embalse.

Alla scoperta degli uccelli migratori: sessione di censimento aperta al pubblico e visita guidata

La Riserva Naturale Ripa Bianca di Jesi celebrerà Sabato 14 maggio dalle ore 08.00 alle ore 12.00 la giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori attraverso una sessione di censimento tramite inanellamento dei passeriformi e una visita guidata alle aree umide sulla tematica delle migrazioni. La manifestazione viene realizzata dalla stazione ornitologica della Riserva e condotta con la collaborazione degli esperti dell’Associzione A.R.C.A.

Vogelbeobachtungen am Speicher Dachwig

Am Beobachtungsturm auf der "Alten Dachwiger Straße" treffen wir uns ab 6.30 Uhr zum Vogelbeobachten am Wasserspeicher. Es singen dann bereits die Teichrohr- und Drosselrohrsänger, Rohrschwirl, Blaukehlchen und andere Schilfbewohner. Bis gegen 11.00 Uhr werden auf zwei verschiedenen Routen die interessantesten Beobachtungspunkte begangen und möglichst zahlreiche Arten und Brutpaaranzahlen beobachtet.
Treffpunkt: in Großfahner die Dachwiger Straße bis Endpunkt Baustelle befahren, dann weiter zu Fuß bis zum Beobachtungsturm.

World Migratory Bird Day on the Baltic Flyway

Nature guide Iben Hove Sørensen and volunteers from The Danish Bird Protection Fund will spend the morning in the bird observatory at Nyord Enge on the island of Nyord. They will be ready to welcome people and guide visitors through the challenges of identifying migratory as well as breeding birds on the meadows from 9 to 13hrs.
The event is supported by Project Baltic Flyway.

New members meeting

This event is meant for new members of our society, who will receive an introduction of our organisation. It should also be a motivation for our active doers. Additionally, the event includes an exhibition for optics and birding gear as well as birdwatching activities.

Lapuan Löyhinkinevan linturetki - Bird excursion to Löyhinkineva in Lapua

Linturetki yleisölle Löyhinkinevan FINNIBA-alueelle, klo 8 - 11.
Bird excursion for the public to the FINNIBA-area on Löyhinkineva, 8-11 o'clock.

Rwanda Celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day 2011

The event "Rwanda Celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day 2011" is organized in cooperation with three (N)GOs from Kigali, namely the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), the Rwanda Birding Association (RDB) and the Association for the Conservation of Nature in Rwanda (ACNR).
On Thursday the 12th we are going to have a TV show with representatives from different sectors (tourism, conservation, government) to announce the event and to discuss about several themes related to it, e.g. the question why the birds and their conservation are of such an importance.

Birdwatching and lecture on migration

Two primary and one secondary school are invited to participate in a birdwatching activitity in the Kinangop Unique grassland and the nearby dams.
After the birdwatching we will have a short lecture on the importance of migration and the importance of the Kinangop grassland as a site on the flyway route of migratory birds.

Jogja Bird Walk

This is a birdwatching event that is held on a monthly (Just Jogja Bird walk) basis. This month's birdwatching event will take place at Gajah Mada University and will be followed by birdwatcher comunities from Yogyakarta district. The birdwatcher community consists of students from the Junior High Schools, students of the Senior High Schools, students from university, Non-Govermental Organisations and all other people that are interested in birdwatching activites.


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