
Pajareando - Birding

IDRD - SDA - IDIPRON invitan a Pajareando en Bogota (Birdwatching in Bogotá). Pajarear es observar aves sin necesidad de tenerlas en una jaula. Realizamos jornadas de observación de aves y vegetacion nativa en un parque urbano. Punto de encuentro: Parque Simon Bolìivar, sector embarcadero. 7am a 12m. sabado 14, y domingos 1, 8, 15, 22 y 29 de mayo. Guianza especializada, prestamo de binoculares. Gratis.

A guided morning bird walk to mark World Migratory Bird Day 2011

The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat, one of the organisers of World Migratory Bird Day, will go birdwatching on 15 May in the Kottenforst Forest. Staff members from other Bonn-based organisations are cordially invited, too.

World Migratory Bird Day celebrated in Jakarta

KPB Nycticorax UNJ will organise birdwatching in Monas, Jakarta and will hand out information materials to participants to inform people about how to protect migratory birds and the environment.

Eyes on Water

Nature Conservation Egypt(NCE) the BirdLife International affiliate will organize a WMBD event in Egypt.

This year, the event will focus on the wetlands that exist in Egypt, for example the wetland El Manzala Lake (IBA) or the Northern Wetlands in Egypt.
At these sites, Nature Conservatation Egypt will offer birdwatching and with the help of Google Earth Maps (Bird View) we will analyse how important these areas are as ecosystems and for local people that depend on them.

Aren't Birds Brilliant?

The Hellenic Ornithological Society is organising an "Arent Birds Brilliant" event on the beach of the second largest city in Greece: Thessaloniki! The aim of this event is for all the citizens of this city to get to know the magical world of migratory birds! More than 100 different species have been monitored in Thessaloniki, and the migratory season is a great opportunity for everyone to watch and monitor these magical creatures!

Jornada de pajareo por Collado Mediano - Birding day in Collado Mediano

Paseo ornitológico por el término de Collado Mediano, Madrid.
Observación de la avifauna típica del centro de la peninsula ibérica en diferentes ecosistemas. Bosque mediterráneo de transición a euro-siberiano en el piso meso-mediterráneo entre los 900 y 1800 msnm.
Walk to watch birds in the area of Collado Mediano, Madrid.
Observation of birds typical of different ecosystems in the center of the Iberian Peninsula. Mediterranean forest in transition to Euro-Siberian forest, within the Meso-Mediterranean belt between 900 and 1800 masl (Meters Above Sea Level).

Photo exhibition, workshop, symposium and excursion to one of the wetlands

Photo exhibition of migratory birds will be shown at Jammu University. A workshop and a symposium will jointly be organized with the Department of Wildlife, the Zoology Department and the Department of Environment Jammu University. Similar events are also planned in some of the wetlands of Kashmir. An excursion to the Gharana wetland will also be part of this WMBD event.

8th Northern Greece Annual Bird Race!

For the 8th consecutive year, HOS is organising the Northern Greece BirdRace. The race consists of a dawn to dusk event where teams of bird-watchers (members, friends and volunteers of the Hellenic Ornithological Society) will spend the entire day bird watching and recording. The participants will try and record as many species of birds as possible, learn about the finer points of bird-watching from the experts and the experienced, and then later in the evening, all teams will meet at a select venue over for an interactive tête-à-tête.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

In the district of Dharwad, there have been many lakes and water tanks, providing safe spots for many different migratory bird species. Some years ago, thousands of migratory birds used to come during the migratory season to these areas. Now, due to urbanization and pollution of these weltands there has been a tremendous decrease in the arrival of migratory birds.

Save Mount Slamet, Save Migratory Bird

CARAKA is organising a birdwatching trip to indentify the various migratory birds at Mount Slamet. A press release on this event will be published and information materials will be distributed.


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