
Community Sensitization and Awareness Raising for the Importance of Wetlands for Migratory Birds

The event will focus on a field excursion to Mesurado Wetland with the aim to sensitize communities, bordering the wetland, for the importance of the wetland for the survival of migratory birds and the need to conserve it. During this tour, participants will also have the possibility to take part in birdwatching activities of waterbirds, that are domestic in this wetland.

Conservation of Migratory Birds in Cajamarca

Conference on migratory birds of Cajamarca, presentation of the book "Aves of Peru" (Birds of Peru), and workshop on bidrwatching techniques for beginners.

ICENECDEV Migratory Birds Event

International centre for environmental education and community development-ICENECDEV will educate and sensitize students inmates and pupils in 6 schools in Buea between the 10th-13th May 2011. Posters will be posted around the schools and public places like offices to educate the general public on the importance of this day.
The students, pupils and youths will be selected to climb Mount Cameroon on the 15th May 2011 to watch the landscape of birds and take pictures of the different species of birds.

World Migratory Bird Day in Mongolia

This WMBD event in Mongolia will run from 14-15 May and will include the following activities:

  • National Bird Fair;
  • Bird watching for children and birders;
  • Bird related public awareness;
  • Bird educational activities.

Uscita al Canto - Birdsong listening

On the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day, in Bielmonte (Biella, Italy) Oasi Zegna is organising a trip into the forests to observe the different species of migratory birds. We will listen to their birdsongs in the company of the ornithologist Lucio Bordignon.

Si belles hirondelles

Avez-vous connaissance de la présence de nids d’hirondelles dans votre quartier ? Si c’est le cas, vous faites parti des personnes que la Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO PACA), en partenariat avec le Pôle Azur Provence, souhaite mobiliser pour mieux connaitre la répartition des colonies d’hirondelles sur Auribeau-sur-Siagne, Grasse, Mouans-Sartoux, Pégomas, et La Roquette-sur-Siagne.

WMBD: Activities in Miri, Sarawak

07th May : Community Outreach in Kpg Kuala Sibuti
0900hrs-1700hrs: Talks and slideshows for children and parents at Kpg Kuala Sibuti Community Hall on the following themes: Fireflies and River Conservations, Waterbirds and Wetland Habitats, Reefs and Marine Ecosystems.

14th May: WMBD: Birdwatching at Lambir HillsBirdwatching in conjunction with World Migratory Bird Day.
0700-1000hrs: We will meet at Lambir Hills National Park for birdwatching at the park.
1000-1200hrs: Talks and slideshow "Birdwatching in Sarawak" at Lambir Hills Conference Hall.

Les oiseaux de la forêt des écrivains combattants

« Je crois qu'il profita, pour son évasion, d'une migration d'oiseaux sauvages » écrivait Antoine de St Exupéry dans "Le petit Prince". Près de 70 ans après, dans une forêt chargée d’histoire, la forêt des écrivains combattants, Marc vous proposera de découvrir le chant des oiseaux sédentaires et migrateurs qui ont inspiré tant de poètes…

Rendez-vous à 10h à la croix de guerre de la forêt des écrivains combattants à Combes

10h - 15h Repas tiré du sac

Contact : Marc Ettore au (+33) 06 80 17 23 47

Aves Migratorias del Parque Nacional Iguazu - Migratory birds of Iguazu National Park

Charlas sobre la importancia de las migraciones, aves migratorias del PN Iguazu y salidas de campo para observar aves.

Conference on the importance of migratory birds at the Iguazu National Park will be held, followed by birdwatching and a field trip.


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