
Migratory Birds Festival in Syria

The celebration will start on Saturday, 14th May with a trip to Jabboul Lake north east of Syria for birdwatching activities. 15-20 Journalists will accompany this trip. In the afternoon a roundtable in Aleppo will discuss the role of migratory birds in nature, with a special focus on the Syrian environment.

Eyes on birds (De olho nas Aves) - May 15

Come and watch some of the birds that appear on Tejo River, and learn about them together with SPEA staff and volunteers.

Migration Watch over the Bosphorus, Turkey

We organize a count of storks and raptors over the Bosphorus during each spring. Anybody can come and join us everyday between 0900hrs and 1700hrs. The results of the count is daily published on the web.

Week-end Oiseaux

Week-end oiseaux " Les changements
d’utilisation des sols–vue à vol d'oiseau ": lieu Cité el manara Gabes

Wattführung mit Vogelbeobachtung - Guided tour through the mudflat with birdwatching

Wattführung im Weltnaturerbe Nationalpark Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer mit Vogelbeobachtung und Erläuterung des Vogelzugs.

Guided tour through the mudflat at the world heritage site national park Wadden Sea Schleswig-Holstein with birdwatching and information to bird migration.

Workshop on the Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Birdwatching Day

Workshop on the AEWA as a tool for the Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds. Particular attention will be paid to threats of habitats on migratory routes.
On May 15, a birdwatching event will be held in the Fucecchio Marshes both for the participants of the workshop and for the public.
The Fucecchio Marshes is a wide inland marsh situated along the migratory routes between the High Adriatic Wetland Area and the Mid-Tyrrenian coast. It is included in IBA, SIC and ZPS areas.

Bird watching

The event will involve BirdLife staff members. As part of celebrating the event, the BLI staff in Nairobi will take part in a bird walk at a site not very far from the city (tbc). The organizers are still exploring the possibility of being joined by other members of the public (students etc.).

Wattwanderung von Schlüttsiel nach Gröde, Ringelganstage -Mudflat hiking tour from Schlüttsiel to Gröde, Brent Geese Days

Wattwanderung zur Hallig Gröde (ca. 8 km) mit Vogelbeobachtungen (Ringelgänse und arktische Limikolen) und Erklärungen zu ihrem Zugverhalten, ihre Gefährdung und zur Lebensweise. Gröde ist die ursprünglichste und schönste der weltweit einmaligen Halligen Nordfrieslands im Nationalpark und Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer mit den größten Ringelganskonzentrationen. Rückfahrt mit dem Schiff, eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.

Community Sensitization and Awareness Raising for the Importance of Wetlands for Migratory Birds

The event will focus on a field excursion to Mesurado Wetland with the aim to sensitize communities, bordering the wetland, for the importance of the wetland for the survival of migratory birds and the need to conserve it. During this tour, participants will also have the possibility to take part in birdwatching activities of waterbirds, that are domestic in this wetland.

Conservation of Migratory Birds in Cajamarca

Conference on migratory birds of Cajamarca, presentation of the book "Aves of Peru" (Birds of Peru), and workshop on bidrwatching techniques for beginners.


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