
World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years KuzeyDoga Society will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in northeastern Turkey. Aras valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa. KuzeyDoga Society has been ringing birds in this valley since 2006 and the data we have collected how Aras valley is important for bird migration due to the individuals we retrapped.

Awerness Programme & Birdwatching with destitute children

Bangladesh is a poor and over-populated country. A high number of children live in slums and a good number have no home. They live in parks or on the road side in Dhaka and other big cities of Bangladesh. Destitute children do not have then chance to study nature and birds. So we are going to arrange a programmee for these children and to celebrate with them World Migratory Bird Day 2011.

Birdwatching at Lake Baringo, Kenya

Members of the Lake Baringo Biodiversity Conservation Group will do a birdwatching session along the shoreline and the basalt cliff of Lake Baringo. We will observe migratory birds that are common in this area.

Gulf of Finland wetland birdwatching

Volunteers and active people will take part in wildfowl species birdwatching on coastal wetland sites of the Gulf of Finland.

The geese capital - routes of spring

Educational trip for schoolstudents and teachers to the largest stop-over site for migrating birds on the East Atlantic flyway. The event will include birdwatching activities, participation in cultural festivals and field excursions.

Bird watching of waterbirds at Ketapang

Ketapang is a region in the west Borneo province that holds the biggest wetlands in Indonesia. Among them are beaches, rice fields, mangroves, rivers, lakes, oxbows, swamps etc. These areas are the best habitats for birds and many of them migrate to Ketapang every year. Because of the variety of birds, this area is also very attractive for tourism and could help to promote this region of Indonesia.

Migratory birds and their habitats at Entebbe, Uganda

EDWA will organise birdwatching and awareness raising activities on migratory birds and their habitats that occur in and around Entebbe.

Early Morning Bird Hike

Early morning bird hike at ICF from 7 am - 9 am. Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day and ICF's 23rd Annual Bird-a-thon with an early morning bird hike at ICF.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebrations in Pakistan

The Ministry of Environment's Pakistan Wetlands Programme WWF is organising a birdwatching activity at Tounsa Barrage, a very important site for migratory birds and an area that has also been designated as Ramsar site in 1996. People from surrounding areas and children are cordially invited to take part in this event.

WMBD celebrations in Burundi

The first day, ABO is plannig to show two documentaries about migratory species and the Rusizi national reserve: How it is destroyed by agriculture and bad governance and followed by discussions.
On the second day we plan to go birdwatching at the Rusizi national reserve. It will be an opportunity to advocate for the reserve, which is one of Burundi's IBAs and therefore also a very important site for migratory birds.


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